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Ch44 - Calling You Daddy


Xie Mu began drawing again.  

Even though the snow outside has stopped, but he was still drawing the white snow.


When Xie Shi came in with the medicine, he was sitting on the wheelchair carefully looking at the silver-white scenery of snow painted on the drawing board in front of him. The house was warm and cozy but felt a bit stuffy from the closed windows.


The young man put the medicine down and opened up the window, the fresh air immediately made its way inside. 


“How was work today?”


Xie Mu put down his brush, lifting his head to smile towards the young man.


His eyes were warm, in front of Xie Shi he lost all his indifference from earlier. 


But Xie Shi wasn’t glad about this.


Xie Mu’s change in attitude was sudden, ever since that day Cheng Chuan, his whole persona was much more gentle. Only gentle towards him, but it made him more uncomfortable. 


Xie Mu would never change because of him, except for Xie Nan En, Xie Shi couldn’t think of another reason. 


The young man smiled at him back, behind him was the wind blowing in as the window opened. He felt the breeze behind him, it made him feel as if his whole heart was emptied.


“The company is the same as before, Uncle, does your legs feel better now?”


The smile on Xie Mu’s face only grew bigger, his eyes were full of hope, he couldn’t wait to share the news with his only relative in the world, “Although I can’t move it yet, I can feel them now.”


“According to Dr.Josphel, I should be able to move them again in less than half a month.”


The man sitting on the wheelchair looked down at the drawing board in front of him, his face was full of expectations, “Once I can walk, I can go wherever I want.”


Xie Shi’s eyes dimmed slightly but it was quickly concealed. He walked a few steps ahead and placed his head on the shoulder of the other man, it was like a child acting cute, asking in a depressed voice, “Why does Uncle want to leave?”  

“Can’t you stay with me?”


Xie Mu’s gaze looking at him was indeed the same as how one would affectionately look at a child. He stretched his hand out and gently touched the young man’s head and warmly said, “I’ve always wanted to wander around ever since I was a teenager, I couldn’t do what I wanted to do because I had to focus on my studies and had to take over the Xie family later…” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

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