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Ch24 - Shock! Shock! Shock!

Bo Qin had become more and more busy recently. Outside of work, Tan Tao spared almost no effort to target him. At work, those worrying brothers, who had been willing to just sit there and eat while waiting for death, seemed to have realized a new meaning in life. They continuously found ways to bring big troubles to their parents.

The younger generation usually acted like mice meeting a cat whenever they saw Bo Qin, not daring to even breathe when they accidentally encountered him. Now, they dared to do things that dragged at his legs. It was impossible to say they didn’t have any seniors backing up their actions. 

Tan Tao had basically grown up with Bo Qin. He understood all of the weaknesses of the Bo family. Bo Qin’s apparent control of the entire Bo family wasn’t worth looking at – in fact, there were many people who were dissatisfied with this fresh-haired, young upstart.

Before,  they had been too scared to make any sounds by those iron-blooded wrists, but now, as long as Tan Tao threw out a little bait, the abandoned wastes of time would bite and bark at Bo Qin like vicious dogs.

Bo Qin had underestimated him, and had underestimated the trash under his own hands.

He had less and less time to accompany Xie Mu. He often left in a hurry in the morning and only came back tired at night. Sometimes when he was too tired from work, he would directly sleep at the company. 

Bo Qin had been like this before, but at that time, Xie Mu was by his side as his assistant.

He was so busy that he had no chance to discover the growing restlessness of the youth beside him.

Today Bo Qin came back very late as usual. Xie Mu was waiting for him and had not gone to sleep yet. Seeing the man coldly pushing the door as he came in, he hurriedly over with the soup he had been keeping warm and placed it in front of his lover.

“Hurry and drink it; did you not eat dinner again tonight?”

“Didn’t have time to eat.” The man replied briefly with a single phrase. He took the soup and drank it. After drinking, he rubbed at his tired eyebrows and got up to take a shower.

“Bo Qin.” The young man’s voice halted him.


Bo Qin turned around in puzzlement and looked at his lover. 

“I want to ask something.” The young man stood behind the couch. In a corner where the man could not see, his fingers rubbed anxiously behind the couch.

“Was I really in a coma the entire time after the accident and wanted to go to the hypnotist immediately after waking up?”

Bo Qin’s eyes flashed, and his magnetic voice was low. “Why do you ask that.”

The beautiful youth reluctantly pulled out a smile, but his lips were a little white. “Just…I suddenly wanted to know.” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktf wjc tjv cb kbgvr ab rjs.

Ktf akb rabbv yftlcv atf mbemt. Ycf rabbv cba abb ojg jkjs, jcv atf jawbrqtfgf ugjvejiis yfmjwf afcrf.

Db Hlc ibbxfv ja atf sbecu wjc. Efmfcais, tf tjv jikjsr yffc rajslcu lcrlvf atf tberf, jcv tlr bglulcjiis qjif rxlc tjv yfmbwf fnfc ktlafg. Ca atlr wbwfca, ecvfg atf iluta, bc tlr vfilmjaf ktlaf rxlc, kjr j ojmf klat yfjealoei ofjaegfr.

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