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Ch26 - Countdown to restore memories

When Xie Mu woke up, he was in a plain white room.

The sheets, the bedding, and even the curtains are all white. 

He sat up with some effort, his mind slow, not yet recalling what had happened. At this moment, he was still a little dazed, looking around at the unfamiliar setting.

In the air, the smell of gardenias fluttered faintly at the tip of his nose. A man stood with his back to him as he arranged a vase on the table.

The youth subconsciously cried, “Bo Qin.”

Tan Tao’s hand that held the flower stopped for a moment. The eyes that had always appeared warm cooled down, but only for a moment. The faint coldness disappeared under his gold wire glasses. 

He pushed up his glasses, then turned his head around with a gentle smile and called out, “Xiao Mu.”

The confusion within Xie Mu’s eyes quickly faded, and only disgust remained. He got out of the bed but as soon as his shoeless, pale feet barely touched the white blanket, both of his legs gave out and he fell to the ground.

The young man did not understand what had happened. He supported his body in order to sit up but found that no matter how much force his hands had, he couldn’t feel anything in his legs.

Well-shined black leather shoes stopped in front of the struggling, powerless Xiu Mu. Tan Tao slowly crouched down, carefully probing as he tried to gently touch the face of the person in front of him.

The youth dodged the slender fingertips before they reached his pale, beautiful face.

He forcefully turned his face away, his expression full of coldness and hate. “What are you trying to do.”

Tan Tao stared at the person in front of him. He used to be so dependent on him, but now his eyes didn’t even hold Tan Tao’s existence in them.

If he hadn’t experienced it before, it was okay. 

But this was wrong.

He had once embraced this warmth.

“Xiao Mu, have you forgotten what happened before?”

The seemingly gentle-looking man smiled and reminded him, “Now that Bo Qin has left you, what are you insisting for?” 

His hand brushed along the youth’s clothes, beginning with his calves, then slipped slowly and gently all the way up.

Tan Tao could feel how stiff the person beneath him was. He was shivering, wanting to escape.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He didn’t feel that sad about it.

Zjsyf la kjr yfmjerf tf xcfk atf qfgrbc lcrlvf atja ybvs kjr cba tlr vjgilcu. 

Ktf qfgrbc, ktb ibjatfv tlw, tjafv tlw, jcv rajsfv jkjs ogbw tlw, kjr Wlf Ze.

Lf kjrc’a atf ilaaif ibnfg ktb mjiifv tlr cjwf rboais jcv rkffais oilgafv klat tlw.

Ktf wjc’r tjcv olcjiis rabqqfv ja atf yjmx bo atf sbeat’r cfmx.

Xie Mu’s neck was beautiful, slender, and elegant.  His collarbone had attractive lines—whether before or now, it was still so attractive. 

Tan Tao once liked to sit behind Xie Mu. While Xie Mu paid attention to his lectures, Tan Tao liked to stuff little gadgets between that beautiful neckline.

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