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Ch16 - Playing you to death

Warning: slight non-con

Bo Qin took the two of them back to his car. Along the way, Xie Mu took the rare initiative to seek his embrace, as if he were seeking asylum. 

Of course, the man knew why his Xiao Mu would act like this.

Memories were sometimes strange like this – through just a little manipulation, the youth could simply forget what Bo Qin wanted him to forget.

Of course, this still required Xie Mu’s cooperation. Sometimes, it was just better to erase painful memories.

“Don’t be afraid, Tan Tao will never come to bother you again.” 

Bo Qin put on a gentle and affectionate facade, softly coaxing the man burrowing into his arms.

He could feel how dependent Xie Mu was towards him, his inward contentment almost overflowing.

“Bo Qin, my head hurts.”

Xie Mu pressed his face against the man’s chest, his originally crisp voice full of confusion. “Has Tan Tao gone crazy…”

“Why would I…”

“What’s going on, does your head still hurt?”

The man asked softly, “Do you still remember what happened yesterday?”

Bo Qin was not clear on what exactly Xie Mu had forgotten, but as long as he gently coaxed his sweetheart, Xie Mu would tell him all the details. 

“Yesterday, yesterday…”

The youth had been in mental disarray since he had woken up, and he covered his head in confusion. “Yesterday, you told me to go to the bar so I went. You had drunk too much so we went to the hotel…”

“And then, Tan Tao, he…”

The youth’s expression immediately became panicked, and he frantically tore at his clothes, Only after did he see his flawless, untouched white skin did he let out a sigh of relief, before falling back into his previously muddled state. 

“He, didn’t he press me to the ground…”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Wlf Ze tegglfvis ibbxfv vbkc ja tlr tjcvr, ktlmt kfgf mifjc jcv klatbea j agjmf bo kbecvr, jiatbeut tf mifjgis gfwfwyfgfv atja Kjc Kjb tjv mea cewfgber alwfr lcab tlr ybvs.

Ojafg, tf tjv yijmxfv bea. Coafgkjgv…ktja tjqqfcfv joafgkjgv?

“P mjc’a gfwfwyfg jcswbgf, ws tfjv tegar…Db Hlc, Db Hlc…” Lf reymbcrmlberis mjiifv bea atf cjwf bo tlr ibnfg gfqfjafvis, jii agjmfr bo tlr qgfnlber ufcaif mbwqbregf ubcf. 

“It’s okay, Xiao Mu, don’t think about it anymore. I will protect you now.”

The man gently patted the youth’s back, softly murmuring, “You must be incredibly tired. Go to sleep, precious, I’ll take you home.”

As expected, his memories had cut off there.

Bo Qin would continue this, and create a beautiful world for the two of them. 

The memories that made Xiao Mu suffer, the memories that would make him leave him — he would erase them all.

He slightly bowed his head to look down at the youth with long eyelashes lying obediently in his embrace. His mouth curled up gently, cold eyes filled with love.

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