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Chapter 75

Xiaomu, how could it be…

Bai Yuxiu’s expression fell into a trance, almost unable to keep standing. 

He saw that the corners of Xie Mu’s mouth were stained with juice after eating the grapes. Rongjing took a tissue to help him wipe it, the young man did not dodge, obediently tilted his head and let him wipe it. Under the slightly dim light, when the beautiful and moist eyes looked at the man, it seemed to be full of stars.

After looking at them for a while, his heart completely sank.

That’s the way one gazes at his lover.

But, how come? 

How long has it been, obviously even a while before Xiaomu still avoided Rongjing, and every time he tried hard to delay going to Rong’s house.

He tried hard to convince himself that Xie Mu’s actions were not voluntary, that he was being persecuted, but how could those eyes full of admiration be only pretense.

Bai Yuxiu didn’t want to believe it, and Wen Mingquan was the same.

He seemed to have a muddled brain during this time, he didn’t want to go for drinks, he didn’t want to socialize, and his mind was full of the last time he looked at the teenager before he left.

That night, he dreamed.

He dreamed that a teenager dressed in white was sitting in front of the piano, playing skillfully.

It was one of Baiyuxiu’s favorite songs when he was young, and he sang it as he played it.

– You are my beloved. 

– Love you forever.

These used to be Wen Mingquan’s two most favorite lines in the lyrics.

Not for the tune, not for the interpretation, just for the person who plays the piano.

Later, he confessed to Baiyuxiu, the most innocent and clean person he’s ever met, as if the boy was not of this world. He was scared after the rejection, so he hid out and never came back. 

Wen Mingquan was depressed for a while, and then he started one relationship after another.

The objects of his love affairs being teenagers with fair skin and clear eyes.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ycf, joafg jcbatfg.

Dea tf mbeiv cfnfg olcv Djlse Wle lc jcs bo atfw. 

Fcali, tf wfa Wlf Ze.

Ktf ojmf kjr jiwbra lvfcalmji ab tlr.

Snfc tlr cjaegf rffwfv ab yf atf rjwf.

Lf ujnf tlw ktlaf mibatfr, ajeuta tlw ab qijs atf qljcb, jcv ilaaif ys ilaaif, aegcfv atf affcjufg lcab ktja tf ilxfv. 

But Baiyuxiu came back.

A fake is naturally not comparable to the real thing, and Wen Mingquan did not hesitate much and threw Xie Mu to Rongjing in exchange for a peaceful life with his sweetheart.

He had already known what he would encounter when he threw the boy out, but why, when he saw this scene with his own eyes, his heart hurt so much?

Rongjing has always been famous and when he wishes he can care for a person very well, and of course facing Xie Mu at this moment there was no exception. 

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