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Ch62 - He’s dead!! To love!!

Editor : Namy

Xie Mu could no longer hear what the outside world was saying, he was in a trance, his eyes were full of panic and fear, and he was hiding in Xie Shi’s arms, and he was going to reach out to protect him. 

Xie Nan’en could hear his baby muttering repeatedly, “Don’t kill my eldest brother, please don’t hurt my eldest brother…”

“Big brother, big brother, Xiao Mu protects you…” 

Three years.

He was gone for three years.

But three years later, Xiao Mu still sees him as the only one.

Xie Nan’en felt that he should take his medicine, his eyes were blurry, his heart felt as if a sharp knife had poked it through, and every cry of fear from Xie Mu was like a knife cutting through his heart. 

He knew what he had to do now was to kill the wolf cub Xie Shi and take Xiao Mu back well.

Xiao Mu is just sick, and as long as he gets a good doctor, he’ll be fine. 

Xie Nan’en tried to convince himself, but looking at Xie Mu’s two legs dragging on the ground, he suddenly woke up again.

It was he who ruined his little wood. 

Xie Shi felt a tight pain in his chest, as if something was blocking it and preventing something from coming out, he knew that it was kicked by Xie Nan’en, and now when he moved his body slightly, it was a tingling pain.

He looked at the cabinet on the side, and inside the dark compartment under the cabinet was a gun hidden. 

That was Xie Shi’s only chance to turn over.

Xie Nan’en did not notice that Xie Shi was looking at the cabinet next to him, and his hand holding the gun was still in mid-air, trembling badly. Xie Nan’en held out his left hand, slowly, pressing down on his already uncontrollable right hand. 

He squatted down and changed the gun to one hand, a pair of tired eyes staring at Xie Mu who was timid and wary.

Xie Nan’en hardly squeezed out a laugh, as if afraid of scaring his baby, and his voice was gentle enough like dripping water. 

“Xiao mu, do you remember? It was the eldest brother who took you home.”

“When you first came to the house, you had nightmares all night long, and the eldest brother was always with you, and then as soon as you had a nightmare, you would come to my room with a pillow and shrink next to me, occupying a very small place.” 

“Every time I woke up, I saw you asleep, I quietly got up, you woke up and saw no one next to me, several times without shoes on, you ran downstairs panicked to find me, and then we laid on the carpet together because of this matter…”

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