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"I'll keep one blank page
in case you come back."

Her feet immediately dug into the sand as soon as she stepped onto the beach. She put the sunglasses on her head over her eyes so that the bright sun wouldn't shine into it. She straightened her bag strap and walked towards the sea.

"So how are you and Rafe?" Sarah asked as she gently placed the floral blanket on the beach. Melanie took a deep breath and gently placed her bag on the blanket.

"What do you mean? It's been half a year since we've broken up." She answered her honestly and sat down on the blanket. She brought her legs to her chest and rested her head on her bare knees.

"I know, but I mean, do you even talk to each other? We never spoke about it.." Sarah sat next to her friend and supported her back with her hands as she watched Melanie's expression.

"No, but on the last day of school he congratulated me for getting into college.." One corner of Melanie's lips lifted slightly as she remembered how Rafe congratulated her with a cheeky smile.

"He talks a lot about you, at least that's what Topper told me." Sarah began to speak, redirecting her gaze to the sea. She watched the gentle waves and the beautiful sunset. "It bothers him that you're seeing Ethan." she finished and cleared her throat gently.

"Ethan is a good friend and besides, he should move on. I've already done it." Melanie reached for her bag, opened it and pulled out a cold drink.

"Did you really move on or are you just telling that to yourself, Mel?" Sarah asked her even though she knew the truth. Melanie opened the drink and accidentally spilled it on herself.

"Fuck..." She muttered under her breath. She quickly started to reach for the napkins in her bag. Sarah saw that Melanie was having trouble finding them so she looked in her bag and pulled them out. She handed ti to her and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You didn't answer my question." Sarah started again. Melanie rolled her eyes at her friend.

"I've really moved on, why do you think I haven't?" She raised one eyebrow and sighed.

"You always look at him so.. in love. Your eyes always shine immensely." Sarah admitted, placing her hands on her thighs.

"That's not true, Sarah. We were toxic and It's better this way. End of conversation." Melanie ended the topic and took another sip from her drink. Sarah set her lips in a thin line and looked at her blonde friend next to her. She sighed above her and looked back to see where the noise was coming from.

"What the hell?" Melanie also turned around with a puzzled expression. She gave the shape a neutral expression when she saw that it was the Pogues. She turned back towards the sea and watched the seagulls fly over it. The sunset was falling on her soft pale skin. She moved her lips slowly towards her drink and took a sip. She knew that Sarah must be nervous right now about seeing pogues on the beach and other unknown people.

Sarah was mainly nervous about the fact that in that group of people there is a curly haired girl who curses her every time she looks at her. She also felt her stinging gaze on her back. She shuddered when she thought how the girl was already gossiping about her right now and saying nasty things about her. Melanie and Sarah never talked about what happened between her and Kiara.

Every time Mel asked about it, Sarah avoided answering and changed the subject each time. The noise was getting louder and louder and the number of people was increasing. Then suddenly large male arms wrapped around Sarah's shoulders.

"Hi Sarah." Top told her and gave Sarah a soft kiss on the cheek. "Hi Mel." he greeted the blonde friend who was sitting next to his girlfriend. He sat down next to her and sighed. Mel felt someone stand next to her. She looked up and saw him there. He had a hat on his head and was smiling with that beautiful smile of his. Melanie swallowed and moved a little further to allow him room to sit down.

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