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"Why do we know,
but act like we don't?"

Melanie began fiddling nervously with her fingers. A small sigh escaped her lips and she didn't even forget to bit her bottom lip. Rafe stared at her in silence, waiting for her answer. She had so much to say, but she didn't even know where to start. His hands were still resting on her bare shoulders. The summer breeze blew a bit more forcefully, and that sent chills down Melanie's spine. Well, even if it was probably from the fact that Rafe squeezed her shoulder a little, as a sign that he was waiting for her explanation.

"Tell me." He insisted again because he was so incredibly impatient and curious.

"We argued very often and I thought it would be better if we each went our own way." She took a deep breath and let out a lie that she was telling everyone around. But Rafe had a hunch that this wasn't all that was on her mind that night.

"Right." That was all he could get out of his mouth at that moment. He slid his hands from her shoulders down his body and nodded at her words. Melanie watched as his brow furrowed a little more and noticed how his jaw was clenched.

"So that's it?" He began to speak as Melanie looked away from him and folded her arms over her chest and breathed slowly and deeply. Nodding her head slowly while they stood there for a short time and Rafe watched her chest rise slowly. After that he left without a word and disappeared into the crowd, Mel turned back outside and leaned against the railing. She breathed deeply and thought about it all. All the good and bad memories with him kept playing over and over in her head. When she even set foot on their favorite place or even a place where they often went together, memories immediately hit her head.

She could try as hard as she could to suppress them somewhere far away and it was difficult and impossible not to think about him. Rafe was like a drug. A drug that you can't get rid of and you're addicted to it right up until you realize that it's harming you and that it's all bad and that it has a terrible effect on your mental state. Rafe was exactly that.

"There you are!" Sarah suddenly spoke from behind and Mel was pulled out of her thoughts. She slowly approached her and touched her shoulder for a brief moment, then Melanie turned towards her to get a good look at her.

"Just saw Rafe." Sarah pressed with a little curiosity in her voice and Mel cleared her throat a little and looked down at her feet for a moment. She bit her lower lip hard as Sarah smiled at her from ear to ear.

"He looked angry." Despite the fact that Mel didn't ask about him at all, Sarah started pushing her even more. Hoping that Melanie would start to dissect him, and that she would tell her what had just happened between them a little while ago. There was silence between them, but that gave Sarah a good chance to observe how Melanie was thinking about the situation she was probably in. Small sigh left her lips and she wondered if she would tell Sarah what it was all about.

"He wanted to know why." she muttered under her breath in a cautious voice, which surprised Sarah.

"What do you mean?"

"Why did I end it then." She cleared her throat a little and Sarah shook her head at her words and tucked one strand of her own hair behind her ear. Melanie bit the inside of her cheek and thought about what she would say Sarah next. Even though Mel and Sarah were best friends, Mel missed one very important thing. Every time she thought about it, that she had lied to her, her blood pressure increased and her heartbeat accelerated again, she knew that she should have told her then, but she refused to admit it to herself.

"I lied to you." At this point, Melanie knew she was in a terrible mess and that Sarah would probably be angry with her, but she couldn't hold back the words like she had for the whole year.

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