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"Let us be more."

As soon as she firmly closed the door behind her, she tried to quietly go to her room, which was located upstairs. When she approached the stairs that led up, her attention was drawn by silent sobs. Melanie immediately stopped in her tracks at that moment, turned and directed her steps to the kitchen, from where a female sobs were comming from.

When she came into the room, she saw her mother sitting on a chair behind the dining table. Her head rested gently on her hand, trying to calm herself down, while in her other hand she held a strange piece of paper that caught Melanie's attention. She walked over to her mother and gently placed her hand on her shoulder. She stroked her shoulder while her mother raised her head and looked at her own daughter. Her mascara was all gone and her cheeks were red and so was her nose. The circles under her eyes were bigger than usual, her hair, which had been perfectly groomed before, was now completely disheveled.

The paper she was holding in her right hand had a few tears on it that her mother had shed. Melanie redirected her gaze from her mother to the strange paper and tried to read something out of it, as she had a feeling that if her mother started talking about it, she would collapse right in her arms. Even so, she made up her mind and began to speak with tears streaming down her face.

"It's your father." She began to speak softly as Melanie sat next to her mother with her hand still resting on her shoulder.

"What about him?" Quickly her mother redirected her gaze from her beloved door to the paper and rubbed her eyes. She couldn't even speak, so she handed the paper to her to read it all by herself.

Melanie grabbed the paper in her hands and carefully began to read the words that were on the paper. She read it over and over and tried to get it out of her head that this information was impossible. It cannot be true under any circumstances.

"How-? I.. I don't get it." Melanie muttered under her breath as she tightly gripped the paper she was holding in her hand. She placed it on the table and rested her head on her hand. Mel did not understand at all how it could happen.

"They found out about it 2 months ago." While her mother was crying, Melanie thought about one thing. Why? Why did she never notice that he was behaving differently past these months? Was that the reason why he left? To distance himself from them so that it wouldn't hurt so much?

Everything possible ran through her mind, but not one of them seemed logical and correct. All the words, all the things she had ever done or said to him, she began to regret incredibly. She never thought that something like this could happen. Melanie didn't even realize it, and a small tear ran down her cheek, which she immediately wiped away. She must be strong.

"Does Noah know?" She put her hands on her thighs and started playing with her fingers.

"No." Nervously, she looked at her mother, and when these words came out of her lips, she was relieved. She had no idea how to react to this negative news, but she knew only one thing. Noah can't find out. Even though he should know, he can't. Although he doesn't like his father very much, according to Mel, this would really devastate him and neither she nor her mother wanted that.

"He will beat it. I know he will." The words that came out of her lips made her mother smile softly. Melanie rose from her chair and leaned over to her mother. She wrapped her arms around her shoulders and hugged her tightly. They hugged for a long time, an incredibly long time, but neither of them was bothered by it. They have to stick with each other no matter what.

"I love you so much." Her mother spoke up as Mel started to slowly pull away from her, she smiled at her and a soft sigh escaped her lips.

"I love you too, mom." She returned the words with love and her smile was even bigger than before. Despite the fact that her mother should be the stronger one in this situation, it was Mel. Melanie was always very strong no matter what happened. Her mother was the exact opposite, she has a very strong and confident effect on the people around her, but when someone knows her better and for a longer time, they know that Penelope Russel is not like that. She was always very sensitive, even if she tried to get rid of this feeling.

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