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"I wanna go back to the time when you first told me your name"

"What the hell dude?" Zach stood up just as a glass of vodka flew at him, soaking his clothes. With wide-eyed eyes, she looked at exactly what happened and also right away stood up.

"What was that for?" He released from his mouth again and looked at Rafe with a surprised expression, but he just looked at Mel nowhere else. His jaw was clenched and he looked quite angry.

His eyes were staring straight into hers and she was looking into his, trying to read something out of them. Trying to read from them why he did that since he didn't answer Zach's question, he just ignored him.

The girl who was sitting next to Rafe suddenly stood up from the sofa and she immediately grabbed his shoulder, after which he threw her hand away and started walking away. Melanie shifted her gaze to Ethan who had one eyebrow raised and his eyes wide as he also didn't understand what had gotten into him. A small sigh left her mouth and she heard Zach cursing under his breath.

"I'll be right back." She informed him as he sat down on the couch again. He just gave her a fleeting smile and shook his head. At that, Mel took quick steps to follow Rafe, but she knew it wasn't a very good idea, but she followed him anyway.

Her steps quickened when she saw him walking out of the house and slamming the door shut behind him. She walked through a huge crowd of people, walking to the door and she opened it. She stepped outside and immediately a gentle evening breeze embraced her body.

She closed the door behind her and started looking around to see if she could catch a glimpse of him, but he was nowhere to be found. It seemed to her as if he had completely evaporated.

''Looking for me?'' His voice came from around the corner, which she jumped a bit, and he just chuckled at that. He had a lit cigarette in his hand and his body was leaning against the wall of the house.

Rafe put the cigarette between his pink lips and took a long drag. The nicotine slowly entered his lungs, which he thoroughly enjoyed. She didn't answer his question, she just watched with her eyes as he put one hand in which he didn't have a cigarette into his trouser pocket.

His gaze was straight ahead, but he felt her gaze, at that he raised one corner of his mouth slightly. "Why did you do that and why did you ran away so sudenlly?" Her voice could tell that she was angry at what he had done. Rafe looked at her, his eyebrows raised slightly.

"I needed some fresh air" He stupidly answered her, to which she sighed loudly and shook her head at his childish behavior. Her hands were on her hips, she really didn't understand why he acted as if nothing had happened. Although it really wasn't that big of a deal, but it really pissed her off when he reacted so aggressively out of the blue.

"Why are you acting like nothing happened?"

''Because nothing happened?'' Rafe played with her, answering her with another question each time, making her even more angry. He threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stepped on it with his shoe, extinguishing it.

His body was still leaning against the wall and he was looking at Mel with a smirk on his face. She would prefer to knock that smile off his face at that moment.

"You good Mel?" Just then, the door opened and Ethan appeared in it, his gaze first on her and then on Rafe.

"Yeah." She put her hands down from her hips and inhaled and exhaled loudly. Then she bit her lower lip and started walking to the door. Ethan held the door for her and let her through. Ethan and Rafe held eye contact for a few more seconds, Rafe's jaw set and Ethan shook his head at him, slamming the door shut behind him.

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