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"He touched me and it felt as if the stars were dancing across my skin."

Melanie remained in the same spot for a moment in silence, watching the group of four teenagers move further and further away from this cursed place.

"What fools, aren't they?" A boy's voice was heard behind her, which sent a small chill down her spine. She immediately redirected her gaze to him and noticed how the corners of his mouth lifted more and more. Melanie didn't answer this question, she just looked at him with her mouth slightly open. Rafe didn't even need her answer, but he knew she didn't agree with him. He could see in her eyes that she wished to escape with them. She didn't understand what Rafe was trying to do when he was angry with her a few minutes ago. But somehow she didn't pay attention to it because she knew that his moods change quite quickly.

When there was a longer silence between them, Rafe nodded his head and bit his bottom lip. After that, he left without a word, and Melanie watched his figure disappear into the crowd. A small sigh left her lips and then she closed her eyes for a small moment.

"Are you okay?" A sweet boy's voice called out to her. His hand was wrapped around her wrist and he was staring at her with his puppy eyes, waiting patiently for her answer. Quickly she opened her eyes and the corners of her mouth lifted sharply and she nodded at his question.

"I am okay." Mel replied and then sighed loudly again. She put her lips in a thin line and watched the people around them having fun. Some stuffed themselves with the luxurious food that was here, others got drunk and the others had fun and danced like they were delirious.

"Did you talk to dad?" Out of the blue, her younger brother asked her what she didn't expect. She really hoped that he didn't make contact with him, because she knew very well that Noah was quiet around his father. Even too vulnerable.

"Yes I did. Did you?" With fear in her voice, she asked him quietly as she held him firmly by one arm with one hand. Noah shook his head as no and Mel sighed in relief at his answer.

"That's good." Quietly she muttered under her breath as she smiled a little at her younger brother. His puppy eyes were so beautiful, so beautiful that Mel felt like she was lost in them every time she even looked at him for a long moment. Noah was so innocent and she wanted to keep it that way. She will never let anyone hurt him. Leisurely she pressed her lips to his forehead and placed her hands on his soft baby cheeks.

Then she pulled away from him and ruffled his blond hair, which made him sigh angrily. Out of the corner of her eye, Melanie saw Sarah trying to sneak out of this place. Despite the fact that Sarah was still very angry with her, she apologized to her brother and started running after her. She sneaked through the huge crowd of people and when she was far enough away from the people, she shouted at her friend, hoping that she would obey her and stop her in her tracks.

"Sarah!" The blond girl turned sharply and when she saw how Mel was slowly approaching her, she rolled her eyes. Sarah didn't want to talk to her, because she had something very important to do and she had to do it very quickly without anyone noticing her.

"What?" However she was still angry with her, she stopped and crossed her arms over her breasts. Her eyebrows were slightly raised and her lips were in a thin line.

"I'm sorry." She let these words out of her mouth, which Sarah did not expect much, so she remained in shock for a small moment. Melanie was really unhappy that her best friend had turned her back on her because of the lie that was supposed to protect her. On the one hand, she understood her. She probably would have reacted the same way if she were in her place, so she didn't try to blame her for it. Even though at the first moment she felt that Sarah was exaggerating a lot.

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