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"Silence is the loudest answer"

Her heart beat a little faster and her hands began to sweat a little, but she tried to put the memory of yesterday behind her head. She took one piece of juicy red strawberry in her hand and bit into it. The pleasant sweet taste on her tongue was enjoyable and she closed her eyes for a moment. Took a deep breath and then exhaled. After that she slowly put on the denim jacket she had lying next to her, as the wind became stronger and colder.

The sun was already slowly setting and Sarah still didn't answer her phone. The fear was greater than before and therefore she hoped that Topper would know where she was. Because she realized that she wasn't here with them and she found it very strange, since Sarah loved the evening summer movies in the park. She had no idea where her best friend was wandering, so she decided to wait for the right moment and go to Topper to ask him.

She wanted to wait for the right time when Rafe wasn't there, which was probably gonna take too long since he was with them all the time. But somehow, in the depths of her soul, she hoped that he would disappear somewhere for a short time.

Melanie noticed that Kiara appeared with the pogues, who sat down almost close to them. Ethan turned his attention from his friend to his phone, which rang.

"So you and Jess, huh?" Melanie couldn't forgive herself for this childish question, Ethan immediately looked up from the phone and smiled gently.

"What about me and Jess?" Even though he tried to be subtle with these words, Mel somehow suspected that something serious was happening with them.

"So I assume something is going on between you two." The corners of her mouth lifted slightly and he just smiled at her from ear to ear.

"Maybe?" As soon as he got those words out of his mouth, she nudged his shoulder gently with one hand and that made them both laugh.

"I knew it." He couldn't put into words how happy he was for what kind of friend Mel is. She supported him every time and stood by his side and also helped him many times with the girls, which probably not every girl friend would do.

"Do you like her?" When they both stopped laughing, she asked him this question, which completely surprised him. He put the mobile next to him and supported his body with his hands and thought about the question for a while. Does he like her? Well, he never asked himself this question and never even thought about it.

"I think so.." he started to say, at which Mel raised her eyebrows a little because she didn't quite understand what he was trying to say. "I mean that I feel good with her. Home. Do you know what I mean?" His words were sincere and true. It was also visible in his eyes that he likes her and that he feels safe. His eyes shone a little more when he spoke of her and the corners of his mouth turned up into a small smile.

She understood exactly what her friend was talking about. At his words, she immediately remembered Rafe. She also felt good with him. It was almost sick how she felt around him. Every time he was even a little bit closer to her, she felt her heart beat a little faster and her hands start to sweat profusely.

Despite the fact that she didn't want to admit that she still felt something for him, she knew deep in her heart that her feelings for him would not disappear. But even if they disappeared, she would still think of him from time to time.

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