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"We looked at each other a little too long to be just friends"

"Okay, everyone listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island!" He fired the gun and Rafe grabbed Mel's arm while holding Topper by the shoulder.

Rafe's grip was incredibly tight. So much so that Mel felt like small blue bruises would appear on her hand. But she didn't try to let go of his hand. She felt that if she did that, she would feel less safe than she does now. A chill ran down her spine as she remembered how JJ was holding a cold gun against Topper's head.

Rafe immediately opened the car door and shoved Melanie inside. Sarah sat with her best friend in the back and breathed in the situation that had just happened. Her breathing was uncontrollable. She was breathing very loudly and deeply. Melanie gently touched her shoulder to soothe her slightly. Topper sat down next to Rafe, who was behind the wheel of the car.

Topper had his hands on his thighs and swallowed loudly. His breathing was heavy but he tried to calm down. Everything that could happen started happening in his head. He was angry and scared at the same time. What is the fool thinking? To intimidate me like this? Topper asked himself in the car.

"Sarah. Breathe, we're all fine." Melanie said with a shaky voice. She would be lying if she said she was fine. She was very scared, but she tried to keep calm.

"No! No we're not cool, Melanie. He was pointing a bloody gun at him." Rafe spoke up behind the wheel of the car. Melania shifted her gaze to him and took a deep breath. She had no idea what to say to him. Rafe was right this was definitely not cool. What JJ did was over the line. But on one terrible occasion, Topper behaved stupidly. If only his cold hands hadn't touched John B's neck. This would never happen.

"Topper should have stepped back and let it go. They both behaved stupidly." Melanie told this fact. Rafe shook his head at her words. He ran his tongue over his bottom teeth and continued to drive the car.

"Are you okay Sarah?" Topper's head appeared in the back where they were sitting. Sarah looked at him with tears in her eyes and nodded. She reached to him and gave him a kiss on his warm lips. Melanie rested her head against the window and crossed her arms over her breasts.

She watched the road from the car and stroked herself to calm herself down. She knew that this had only just begun, and that if Topper and John B will meet again, it will be worse than today. She still had a scene before her eyes of JJ smiling softly as he held the gun to Topper's head. It was crazy that he would even do something like that.

"Are you okay Mel?" Rafe looked in the mirror in the car to see if she was okay. Melanie looked into the mirror and made eye contact with him through it.

"Yes, I'm fine..." She answered him uncertainly. She bit her bottom lip and exhaled loudly. In the small mirror, she noticed how Rafe smiled gently. A chill ran down her spine. His smile was always very beautiful and pleasant. Melanie loved looking at him when he smiled. She liked how his nose always scrunched up a little. She found it very cute and smiled back at him each time.

Melanie realized that the car had stopped. She looked around and realized they were standing in front of her house. She swallowed loudly and opened the car door.

"Well thank you. Come home safe." Melanie peeked back into the car and smiled at them with a huge smile. Sarah's eyes were still watery and you could tell she was scared. Still, she smiled at her best friend and waved at her.

Melanie slammed the car door and opened the gate to the house. She noticed that the car was still there, but she didn't pay much attention to it. She walked to the front door with faster steps and opened it. Immediately after that, the car disappeared. Melanie slammed the door behind her and leaned against it. She exhaled loudly and closed her eyes for a small moment. Her heart was still pounding like crazy from it all. She thought it was just a bad dream.

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