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"There is no way back
from loving you"

Her voice was quiet, yet her words were forceful and loud. The words kept repeating over and over in his head and, oh so badly, he wanted to deny it. Deny the truth that left her mouth. But he couldn't. He put the cigarette back in his mouth and took a drag while Melanie had been reading the same page for several minutes. The sentences and words she read made no sense to her at all, she felt as if she did not know what she was reading about. Maybe it was because she was nervous.

She hoped that Rafe would deny her words and that he would at least defend himself, but it wasn't like that, he just sat silently with a cigarette between his lips. He had one hand on his knee and was looking ahead the whole time. His eyes occasionally drifted to the girl next to him, but it was only because he wanted to know if she was paying him even a little bit of attention.

A small sigh came out of his mouth as he tossed his smoked cigarette somewhere. Melanie closed the book that was lying on her lap and hid it in her bag. She put the sunglasses that were on her eyes on her head, reached for a piece of grape with one hand and bit into it. Ever since Melanie uttered those words, there had been an uncomfortable silence between them. Neither had anything to say or rather neither wanted to continue the conversation.

While Rafe took out another cigarette, Melanie's phone rang. Her body stiffened a bit at that, but she immediately pulled it out of the back pocket of her pants. She giggled a little at the message she received, to which Rafe immediately shifted his gaze from the sea to her phone.

Ethan: are you done with the baby sitting? :P

The cigarette was between his pink lips again and he lit it. He immediately put the nicotine into his lungs, while his eyes were absent-mindedly looking at her phone. Well, even though he knew it was rude of him, he couldn't help but look there. He wondered what they were writing so interestingly together and why she giggled so much at a message from him?

Melanie: Told you that i will text you when I'm done. Do you miss me that much? :)

Ethan: Yes, Yes i miss you damn much.

Melanie: Hah! Knew that.

Ethan: okay, blondie. Will pick you up at 11pm. Dont care if you dont want to go or if you are babysitting, so you better hurry up and tell your lil bro some fairytale and put him to sleep.

Melanie: he is too old for a fairytale, asshole.

Ethan: what? My mother used to tell me fairytales at his age.

Melanie: yeaah, sure. :D

Ethan: shut up. She really did that.

After reading the message, she put the phone back in the back pocket of her pants. A small smile of happiness played on her face. Ethan always cheered her up once in a while with his silly, childish remarks.

"Not a thing, huh?" For a small moment she even forgot that Rafe was sitting next to her. A chill ran down her spine at his voice and she had no idea why. His tone of voice was strange and stern, but at the same time it seemed to her that he was taking it a bit too far.

Cigarette smoke hit her nostrils, over which she crinkled her nose stupidly and looked into his eyes. "No." She answered him in one word, which she tried to indicate to him that she was not interested in further developing the communication.

But she knew him very well, that he always finds something to develop the conversation further when he wants to dig into something  or when he just wants to provoke like a little child.

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