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"And I'll miss you without saying a word."

Melanie woke up to the sun shining unpleasantly into her eyes. She immediately placed her hand over her eyes and began to snuggle more to the side, looking for Rafe and his chest. When she realized that the boy was gone and there was no sign of him, she opened her eyes right away. She sat down on her bed and swallowed loudly, pulling the blanket closer to her body and ran one hand through her messy hair. Memories from the previous night started to come back in her head and she started to feel something in her heart, regret.

With the blanked still wrapped around her naked body, she reached for her phone, which was on the bedside table. Strongly, she hoped that she would find a message from him, or something. Something to show her that he wasn't indifferent and that it wasn't just a stupid distraction for him. Unfortunately, there was nothing like that, a loud sigh came out of her mouth and she forcefully placed her mobile phone next to her on the mattress of the bed.

She hid her head in her hands and bit her bottom lip, trying to hold back tears. She felt embarrassed and ashamed that he left it like that. But at the same time she was also very angry, Melanie felt used, humiliated.

"Hey, honey." Suddenly, the door to her room opened and her mother stood in it with a bathrobe wrapped around her body. Her hair was messy and her mascara was still smudged under her eyes, probably because she forgot to take off her makeup. Melanie immediately pulled the blanket even closer to her body, as much as she could and stared at her mother with her mouth half open.

"You're home early." Melanie answered in a nervous voice while her mother leaned her body against the door frame.

"At least you could say hello to me." She crossed her arms over her breasts and watched her daughter nervously sit on the bed with a blanket wrapped around her body with a small smile. Despite the fact that it seemed very odd to her, she didn't ask her anything, she didn't want to sound annoying and curious right from the morning. She was an adult after all, but she still sometimes felt that Mel was acting like a 14-year-old teenager. When she thinks that she, at her age, was already pregnant with her and had a wedding a long time ago, she gets chills down her spine. If she were to tell the truth, she wants her daughter to live a better life than she did, she wanted her daughter to enjoy it the most, but on the other hand she also wanted to teach her that life is not easy and sometimes it is better to move on and leave something behind.

Melanie rolled her eyes at her words, but she still had a small grin on her face. Before her mother left, she winked at her and closed the door to her room behind her. Their conversation ended abruptly with that, even though Melanie had a lot of questions about how they enjoyed it there. Just then her phone alerted and she immediately grabbed it, still hoping that Rafe had finally decided to text her.

Sarah: you up?

At this message, Melanie threw her body violently onto the bed and hid her face in her hands again. An exasperated sigh came out of her mouth, and she angrily threw the phone to the other side of her bed. Why did she think he would stay? He fulfilled the words he told her that he would leave in the morning. Even if she didn't want to. But if their mother saw them in her bed, naked, it probably wouldn't go well. Her mother had an aversion to Rafe from the beginning. Although on the outside he appeared to be responsible, charming and kind, her mother constantly had a problem with him. She didn't say it directly to his face, but tried every time to tear Melanie out of everything that concerned him. She never wanted to tell her the exact reason, well technically she actually told her, but Melanie still didn't believe her. She reached for her phone again and took it in her hand, with anger still lingering in her.

Melanie: yeah, what's up?

Sarah: okay, I'll be at your house in a few minutes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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