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"Some eyes touch you more than hands ever could ."


"Do you?" Mel gently turned her head up, which was resting on his chest. The sun's rays hit his skin and a small smile was playing on his face and he patiently waited for her answer. His hair, which he had previously styled, was already a bit disheveled. Her eyes took in every little detail on his faces.

She also couldn't help but notice the small mark on his chin. She smiled a little at that and put her hand that was beside her body on his. She slowly intertwined her fingers with his and breathed slowly, thinking of how to answer his question. His chest heaved slowly with each breath and his heart beat a little faster than before.

"Do you think this is forever? I mean if it's meant to be..." He repeated his question again to make sure she caught his question. With her eyes she watched how the waves of the sea slowly move and how the sun slowly sets faster and faster.

"I hope so." A small sigh escaped her lips, which Rafe noticed. He gently pressed his lips to her hair and left a small kiss. Instantly at that moment his nostrils were hit by her cherry shampoo she was using. He took a deep breath to smell it again. Mel laughed at his small gesture which made him laugh as well.

She squeezed the hand that was on his tightly and then started playing with his fingers. The ring that was on his index finger she turned it a little, and Rafe just watched with his eyes as she took it off.

After that she put the ring a little higher and turned it from each side, which Rafe found very strange, but he did not pay any extra attention to it. The sun's rays, which had almost disappeared, fell on her delicate hands, and Rafe raised his hands in the air and touched her hand softly. He took the ring from her and then took her hand and placed it on her finger. Even though it was a little big for her, she still kept it.

The late summer wind was starting to pick up a bit and it made Mel feel a little cold as she was only wearing a tank top. Rafe noticed when her body squirmed a little at that. So he wrapped his arms firmly around her and tried to at least warm her a little. He wanted this moment to last forever.

He wanted to stay that way. She in his arms, her hands on his. He wished to watch her beautiful smile every single day.

End of flashback.

"Do you?" Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as her lips formed a thin line and her gaze slid down to her hands. When he asked her back, her hands began to sweat profusely and her breathing was much heavier than before.

She rested her head on the car seat and took a deep breath. Rafe began to give her his full attention, patiently waiting for her answer. Although he may have known her answer, but he still had doubts about what she would say to him. As always, she tried to be inconspicuous, but her look said it all. She could never take her eyes off his, and it showed that she was always thinking about them.

About what was.

"Sometimes." She admitted her thoughts, but her gaze was still fixed on her hands, which bothered him a bit as he wanted to see directly into her face. He sighed a little at her words and gripped the steering wheel of the car.

There was a stupid silence in the car and both were thinking about everything. Actually, Rafe really wanted to talk about. About them. Well, never managed to do that, he always put his thoughts behind him because he didn't want to discuss it.

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