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"And flashbacks hurt"

"What the hell happend?" Her vigorous and slightly angry voice rang out in the room, which made Rafe pay attention.

"We had a fight with the pogues." Despite the fact that he didn't want to tell her, he told her. When Mel realized that she had stopped the bleeding on his knuckles, she was relieved and put the used cotton swabs on the table. She was still holding him tightly, she didn't even realize that she was holding his hand. It was strange to him as if she refused to let him go.

"Why?" The questions that had been in Mel's head since the moment everything went wrong in the park, she hoped that Rafe would answer them, since he was actually right there.

"Because of what happened on the beach." He slowly began to speak quietly and Mel listened intently as he removed the cotton swab from his torn eyebrow. "Plus those dirty pogues sunk Topper's scooter." He deliberately left out the fact that he and Topper, but especially he, beat Pope on the golf course. Because he knew full well that Melanie would not be definitely on his side in that case and that she would stand on their side, despite the fact that they started all of this.

Mel frowned a little at the 'dirty pogues' nasty comment, since she didn't have a big problem with them, she was just a little afraid of them since the traumatic thing happened on the beach. No one never talked about what happened there. Everyone on the island kept quiet about it because they were afraid that something worse would happen if it came to the surface.

"They did it just like that?" Even though it didn't fit her at all, since the Pogues would never do something just for fun, she trusted Rafe even when it was hard to believe him. He nodded his head at her question and bit his bottom lip. He had an inkling that Mel doubted whether he was telling the complete truth.

"I saw you with Ethan today." After a long time he said when there was a silent in the room. She finally let go of his hand when she realized that she had been holding it for too long.

"Did you have fun?" Out of nowhere, he started asking strange questions that didn't suit Mel at all, but however she answered him calmly.

"Yes." He sighed at her question and turned his gaze away from her eyes.

"I should probably go." He was about to start raise from the sofa, but then suddenly stopped. "Thank you for that." He thanked her with a small smile and looked deeply into her eyes.

"Yeah, no problem." She nodded her head at his kind thanks and swallowed loudly. Her body began to tremble at his gaze. A chill ran down her spine and she slightly parted her lips as if she wanted to tell him something.

Slowly and gently, he got a little closer to her and started stroking her cheek with his hand. His hand was soft and warm on her cheek and for a brief moment her breath stopped as he suddenly moved closer to her full lips. She closed her eyes tightly and swallowed loudly again. Rafe noticed that she was quite nervous and how her body trembled as he approached a little closer each time.

The nervousness subsided when he gently pressed his lips to hers. They knew it was wrong, but at that moment it felt completely right. Despite the fact that they both fought against it, the desire to feel each other again and to be a little closer to each other was greater than their pride.

"Mel?" Suddenly, a woman's sleepy voice came from behind the door, startling both of them enough to make them immediately back away from each other. Melanie jerked up from the sofa and Rafe did the same.

"Hi mom." She answered her in a nervous voice while slowly drying her hands on her own thighs.

"Hello Miss Russel." Rafe nodded and said in a polite voice even though his ears were burning with nervousness. Melanie's mother did not respond to his greeting, she nodded her head at the sign of greeting and leaned her body against the wall. Her hands were clasped on her breasts and she was looking straight into their souls. Mel turned her gaze to Rafe and gently parted her lips then closing them again.

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