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"With you It's different."

The sun's rays fell on her skin through the blinds. She covered her eyes with her hands to at least ignore the unpleasant sun. When she closer her eyes she was thinking about whether she should go to the party or not. Melanie knew that if she went to that party, she would be sitting on the sofa with Ethan all evening. Ethan had his own group of people he spent time with at parties, but he always had Melanie close to him.

Melanie bit her lip at the thought of spending the entire evening with Ethan drinking and smoking weed. Ethan sometimes did awkward teenage things at parties, but never outside. Or at least Melanie didn't notice. But really, who does legal things at a party? If Mel were to admit it, she also drank occasionally, but not all the time. She tried to avoid it. Because she knew that she and alcohol did bad things together.

At that, the door to her room opened wide. Her mother was standing in the doorway with a laundry basket. Melanie opened her eyes and looked at her mother out of the corner of her eye. She smiled at her and entered Mel's room. Her mother walked to the window and opened it.  Melanie rolled her eyes and let out an annoyed 'ah'.

"I have schedule for you." She announced to her with a huge smile on her face. Melanie took her hand away from her eyes and supported her body with her hands.

"What schedule?" Melanie was scared of what her mother had prepared for her. While her mother just smiled mischievously and walked to her door.

"You will look after Noah today."

"What? Why me again?" Melanie asked annoyed and lay back in bed.

"What do you mean you again?" Her mother asked irritably.

"Why can't he go to father's house?" She sighed at the situation she was in right now. The woman in the doorway raised an eyebrow and bit her lip.

"Your father has another job." With those words she left. She closed the door behind her. Silence remained in Mel's room. She just heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Of course Melanie enjoyed spending time with her younger brother, but it bothered her that she was with him all the time.

In fact, Noah hated going to father's house, so he preferred to spend the whole day with Mel. Noah considered Mel as a second mother, as she took care of him. And also she understood Noah better than their mother.

This does not mean that their mother is bad or does not understand some things. But sometimes she forgets what it was like to be a child. A child who do not understand what is happening with their parents. Their parents didn't talk to each other for half a year.

Their Dad moved out to a small cozy house up the street, and they stayed in this big house. Mel still doesn't understand the reason for the argument, but she tries not to ask about it and not to poke her nose into it in any way.

While she was sitting on the bed she rubbed her tired eyes. Then she took her cell phone in her hand and looked at the clock.


Melania sighed and yawned. She stood up from her warm bed and directed her steps towards the closet. Her fingers touched the handle of the close and she opened it. Took out short jeans with a blue top. Slowly got dressed and put her hair in a high braid as usual. She hated it when her hair got stuck everywhere it didn't belong. While she was looking at her own reflection in the mirror she sighed. At that, the door to her room opened wide.

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