Chapter 5: Trying to Study

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No One Pov:

While walking down the block Danny wasn't paying much attention to his surroundings when all of the sudden he ran into Dash.

Dash: Well Well Well if it isn't Fenton. I been meaning to teach you a lesson for what you did to my girlfriend.

Danny: Girlfriend? You two are still dating? I mean didn't she cheat on you last year with some other guy? Why are you two still together?

Dash: That is none of your business and she didn't cheat on me. The other guy kiss her first.

When Dash was talking though, Jack was flying around when he notice the two talking. He landed near them so he could listen to what they were saying.

Danny Mind: Right. Keep telling yourself that.

Dash: Anyways its time for me to teach you a lesson.

Then when dash was getting ready to punch me, I felt that feeling again. I back away from dash which help me dodge dash attack on me.

Dash: Hey where do you think your going Fenton? I haven't even hit you yet.

Danny: Well I'm going to be late meeting my friends so bye.

Danny started running while dash went after him. While running Jack decide to step in and turn the frost the sidewalk in front of dash which made him trip and fall.

Danny look back at dash before looking around a little bit. He thought he saw someone but when he saw dash was going to get back up, he ran for his life.

When he finally got to the library though, he notice that he was a few minutes late.

Danny Pov:

Danny Mind: Great I'm late, thanks dash

I enter the library to see both of my friends had just started studying for the test.

Danny: Hey guys why didn't you wait up for me.

Sam: Oh look who decided to show up

Tucker: Why are you late this time danny?

Danny: I ran into dash while walking here. I had to take a different route So he couldn't follow me

Sam: I see

After that we started studying together but then I had the feeling again. The feeling of someone watching me. I look around but I didn't notice anymore look at are detection. I decided to try to ignore it so I can study on the test that we are doing tomorrow.

*Time Skip*

We were studying for a few hours now and this feeling could go away for a little bit only to return again. I don't know when this feeling will leave but I hope it leaves soon.

That is when I decided I had enough and tried to look around again. While looking around, I swear I saw something move away from the window.

Sam: Danny are you ok?

Danny: Yes I'm fine it just I have a feeling that we are being watch is all

Tucker: Really? Because I don't have that feeling at all

Sam: Yeah me ether. Maybe you been studying too hard and your mind want a break.

Danny: Maybe but I had this feeling while I was running around from dash too. I don't know if I'm just going crazy or what.

Tucker: Danny I'm sure your just nervous about the test we are going to take tomorrow.

Sam: Yeah I'm sure it's that because there is no way your going crazy.

Danny: Yeah maybe.

Tucker: Hey why don't we drop by nasty burger and get something to eat?

Danny: Yeah that sound good. I think we all need a break from studying.

We all then got ready and headed to nasty burger but I still can't shake this feeling that someone is watching me.

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