Chapter 7: Going To Clockwork

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No One Pov:

The next day roll around and apparently we are having a snow day today mean no school.

Danny was happy about that because that means he get to have time to talk to clockwork. He headed to the lab and turn into phantom before going into the ghost zone.

After a while he was able to get to clockwork tower where clockwork was talking to wulf.

Clockwork: Ah Danny I was wondering when you would show up.

Phantom: You knew I was coming? Well of course you knew I was coming and you know why I am here.

Clockwork: I do. Wulf thank you for your time but Danny and I will need to talk alone

Wulf nodded before going to phantom and giving him a hug.

Phantom: It's good to see you wulf

Wulf: Its good to see you friend too

Wulf then let go before clawing a portal open and leaving threw it.

Phantom: Now can you tell me about a spirit name Jack Frost please.

Clockwork: Jack frost huh? Haven't seen him in a very long time. Well he is a winter spirit but he soon will become something greater.

Phantom: Ok? What about his powers and all that? I mean I can control ice but he can literally make places snow!?

Clockwork: Yes he also have other abilities as well but you don't need to worry about him. He is harmless and most likely just looking for someone to have fun with. After all people can't really see him.

Phantom: Wait people can't see him?

Clockwork: Yes. Unless a person believes in Jack frost, no one can see him. He been alone for thousands of years danny.

Phantom: Wow I don't think I would last being alone for that long. Kind of feel bad for the guy.

Clockwork: Now onto other matters. Danny I need you to be careful. There something coming and you need to be on guard. As well as be careful to those you call your friends.

Phantom: What do you mean?

Clockwork: I sadly can't tell you at least not yet until I am sure on what's going on but something bad is going to happen and I want you to be careful alright.

Phantom: I will try my best.

Clockwork: Good also one more thing. Please be careful when your around Jack Frost. He isn't dangerous at all but his path on becoming something greater is coming faster then anyone can hope for. I don't want you to be drag into something that you might not want to be apart of.

Phantom: Ok? I will try my best and Clockwork thank you

With that Phantom left. After Phantom left clockwork look out his window before letting out a huge sigh

Clockwork: I hope I am wrong but if I am right then Danny might loose everything he ever loves and cares about and it will be too late for me to stop it.

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