Chapter 6: First Meeting

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No One Pov:

The next day was test day and Danny group did there hardest on the test before turning it in to Mr. Lancer. They walk out of the classroom and headed outside the school grown.

While walking outside though, they saw dashes little group waiting for them as his group threw snowballs at them.

Tucker: Hey cut it out

Sam: Yeah that hurt.

Danny: What is your problem.

Dash: My problem is I wasn't able to beat you up yesterday so now your in with a world of hurt.

Dash then grab Danny shirt but what anyone didn't see was Jack frost was watching the whole thing and he created a snowflake before making it float to dash. The glowing snowflake fell onto dash and a few seconds past before he let go of Danny and turn to his group.

Dash: Lets just leave and do something fun together. I don't want to waste anymore time on them.

Kwan: Ok bro if you say so

With that they left. Danny group look at each other as they are all confuse.

Danny: Umm what just happen?

Sam: We should asking you that.

Danny: Look I don't know what is going on but-

That is when he ghost senses went off.

Danny: I have to go.

Tucker: Ghost attack?

Danny: Ghost attack. You guys will cover me right?

Sam: Of course

Danny: Good.

Danny then ran off and turn into phantom before going after the ghost that been causing problems.

*Time Skip*

After that fight was done. Phantom decided to fly around a little bit before he notice someone was watching him.

Phantom decided to fly around a little bit more and soon enough he saw someone was following him but whenever he turn to look at them, they would hide away.

Phantom: You can come out now. I can see you.

Jack Frost: Oh umm ok

That is when phantom got a better look at him. He could tell the person wasn't human so he must be a ghost of some kind.

Phantom: Who are you and why are you following me?

Jack Frost: Oh yeah it kind of rude of me. My name is Jack Frost and the reason why I am following you is because well I really don't know.

Phantom: Are you here to case problems?

Jack Frost: What? No of course not. I just saw you flying around and was wondering if the rumors were true is all.

Phantom: Rumors?

Jack Frost: I am not from around here. You can say I am a winter spirit of the sort. I heard rumors of a ghost that protects this place and wanted to check it out for myself.

Phantom: I see well the rumors are true and I am going to take it that your not from the ghost zone then right?

Jack Frost: Nope. I really don't know what that is.

Phantom: Oh its a place that all spirit and ghost live at.

Jack Frost: Well as you can tell, I'm not from that place.

Phantom: Well yeah you seem different. Hey wait are you the reason why this place is snowing?

Jack Frost: Yes I am. I bring fun and snow anywhere I go.

Phantom: *sigh* You don't seem to be a bad spirit Jack so I am going to trust you for now but cause any problems then I am going to have to take you to the ghost zone got it.

Jack Frost: I understand Phantom sir.

Phantom: Please don't call me sir, it makes me feel old. Anyways I have to go.

Jack Frost: Wait will I see you again?

Phantom: I'm sure you will but for now I need to get going.

Jack Frost: Oh ok then bye phantom. See you around.

Phantom: Yeah see you around and due be careful. There are ghost hunters here and I don't want then to hurt you.

Jack Frost: Oh don't worry about me I will be fine. It's not like they can see me or something.

Phantom: Right sure. Well then see you later.

With that Phantom left and headed straight home. When he got home though, he couldn't get Jack Frost out of his head.

Danny Mind: Maybe I should talk to clockwork about this Jack Frost person.

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