Chapter 8: Stuff On The Mind

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No One Pov:

After talking to clockwork, Danny ended up joining his friends at there favorite place, Nasty Burger.

Sam: Can't believe there is a snow day today man that is exactly what I needed after the test we took yesterday

Tucker: Yeah and the best part is that there is a huge chance that we won't run into Dash and his little group of his.

While Sam and Tucker was talking Danny can't help but feel like someone was watching him again. When he look around, he saw Jack Frost looking at him but also trying to hide within Nasty Burger.

Danny wanted to say something to him but couldn't as Clockwork words repeat in his head.

Danny Mind: He must be nervous or scared to talk to me. I mean from what clockwork told me, he been alone for a very long time and now found out that someone can see him. He must want to talk to me but at the same time have the fear of messing it all up.

While being deep in thought he didn't hear his friends calling his name.

Tucker: ....nny ......dann........danny.....DANNY

Danny: What?

Sam: It good to see that your paying attention

Danny: Right sorry. You were saying something

Tucker: Danny what's wrong? Your normally distract like this when something is on your mind

Danny: I don't know. I went to clockwork today.

Sam: You went to clockwork today? Why?

Danny: I just...

Then those words appear in his head again.

Danny Mind: Should I tell them? Maybe I shouldn't tell them everything just to be safe.

Danny: Well there is a new spirit around these parts and just want some info about them is all. Didn't get much other than he powerful yet harmless.

Tucker: I see well if there is a new ghost around here, I'm sure you will be able to stop them.

Danny mumbles: Yeah maybe.

Sam: Anyways we should find something to do together

Tucker: Maybe we can all play that new video game that came out. We can all go to my house to play it.

Danny: Sounds like a plan.

*Time Skip*

Danny Pov:

After playing with my friends, I ended up going home as it was getting late. I also can't help but think about what Clockwork have told me. His words just keep repeating in my mind.

Danny Mind: Hopefully its nothing but knowing Clockwork he rarely wrong.

I started getting ready for bed when I heard tapping at my window. At first I thought it maybe the wind but when the tapping didn't go away, I decided to open my window to check it out.

When I did, I saw Jack frost looking at me.

Jack Frost: Well hello there my name is Jack Frost which I believe you already know and I was wondering if you want to have a little snowball fight with me?

Danny: Ummm sure I have nothing else to do other then go to bed

Jack Frost: Wait really?

Danny: Yeah it sounds fun just let me get ready and I will be out there.

No One Pov:

While Danny was having a snowball fight with the Jack Frost something else was happening away from them. A shadow seem to have appear somewhere in the middle of no where where a wicked man with a sharp tooth smile started laughing.

Pitch: Soon I will be strong enough to defeat the guardians and make people feel fear once again *Laughs*

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