1 - drinks & drama

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After taking a gap year to travel around to the world with her dearest friend, she was now seated in a night cafe with all the freshmen. College orientation wasn't Y/n's thing. She wasn't that social, unlike her friend, who was chatting away with a classmate.

Y/n silently took sip of her beer. It was the only thing keeping her here, well, and also Jiyun's glares.

Some were really enjoying this time while others were just chatting like they do any other day. Seungmin, however, had to keep everyone in check along with some other seniors.

He sighed deeply as he thought about how they would have to send them all home. So many cabs. "Stop sighing. It's supposed to be fun." Jisung said to his friend. "Fun? We need to carry them into a car later." Seungmin said. "I'm sure it won't be that bad. There are more seniors than freshmen here. It'll be fine.'' Jisung said, trying to make his friend relax.

A classic scene was happening right before Y/n's eyes and she wasn't a fan of it. A few seniors were trying to hook up with a few female freshmen by trying to get them as drunk as possible. Jiyun was at the same table and clearly had had enough already.

Y/n really wanted to have a quiet school life but that option seemed to be going down the drain already. She faced the one senior who started it, he seemed like the boss, and glared at them. He had been touching all the female freshmen quite inappropriately. ''Oh I'm sorry, wasn't I paying enough attention to you?'' he said and laid a hand on her shoulder. She gently pushed his hand off and turned to the group of female freshmen. ''Let's get some ice cream together.'' she said, they all quickly agreed so she walked out of the cafe with them.

Y/n and another sober freshmen called a few cabs and made sure that they were send to the dorms. Jiyun leaned onto her friend. ''I think I might have a crush on you. You're a hero.'' she said. ''Well I'm not interested so stop crushing.'' she said and walked inside, dragging her drunk friend along.

A lot of eyes were on her when she walked in. ''Where are all the other girls?'' a senior asked. ''They went home.'' she said and walked back to her table, cleaning it up a bit so the owner wouldn't have a hard time.

''Did you send them home?'' he asked and walked over to her. '' Yeah, why? Are you sad about your plan of fucking one of them failing?'' she asked, the glass she was holding shattered onto the ground. ''You should choose your words wisely.'' he said. ''No, but you should. It's not your first year here. You know how the uni bulletinboard is right? Let's not turn this into some gossip.'' she said.

That was it, he was ready to hit her. He approached her but was stopped by ''Let's stop this right here. You both are too drunk.'' someone said as he put an arm around the senior's shoulder. The senior left, together with some of his friends. Now all eyes were on her. She bowed, apologized for the ruckus she had caused.

As the vibes were a bit awkward, the female freshmen walked towards the door, together with her drunk friend. Seungmin stopped her. ''You forgot your bag.'' he said. She opened her arms, signaling him to just throw it to her, so he did. ''See, I told you it wouldn't be so bad today.'' Jisung said as the other students were leaving one by one as well. ''I'm glad someone finally said something about that senior's behavior.'' a fellow classmate of them said. Seungmin sighed again. ''I'm not gonna help with a freshmen orientation ever again.'' he said.



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