14 - hospital

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Blood dripped down the knife. Onto the ground and onto his hands. Seungmin was stabbed in his stomach. Sungjin pulled the knife out with a force, making the blood gush out. Seungmin fell onto the ground. He was in a lot of pain.

Y/n dropped down next to him. Tears rolling down her cheeks. She couldn't care that Sungjin was still there. She held Seungmin, who was losing consciousness. Remember. Pressure. She put her hands onto his stab wound and put pressure on it.

Sungjin was shocked, but she was a witness. He raised his hand, wanting to stab Y/n in her back when he heard a gunshot.

Seungmin had informed the others in the group chat and told them to call the police. "PUT THE KNIFE DOWN." one of the police men yelled, pointing his gun at Sungjin. As Sungjin didn't fully realize what happened, the other police men didn't hesitate and shot his hand, causing him to drop the knife.

Jiyun and Jisung were also there. In shock of the scene in front of them. As the police men arrested Sungjin, Jisung yelled for the medics to come over.

"He needs surgery." one of them said as they lifted Seungmin into the ambulance. Jiyun held Y/n's arm. "Go with him. We'll be right behind you." Jisung said. Jiyun let go of her friend and closed the ambulance door after her friend got in.

The ambulance rushed off. One of the police men approached Jisung and Jiyun. "Even if it seems obvious to what happened. We do need their statement to continue this case. So make sure they contact me as soon as they can." he said and gave Jisung his card.

Y/n sat there, crying as she waited. Doctors took Seungmin into the emergency surgery room, so all she could do was wait. Her whole body was shaking.

Jeongin spotted her and kneeled down in front of her. "What happened? Are you okay?" he asked. He put his hands on her shoulders, trying to stop her body from shaking as he was trying to scan if she was hurt. "Sungjin stabbed him." she managed to say in between her sniffles. Jisung and Jiyun were also there.

"Did she get checked?" Jiyun asked Jeongin. "I don't think so." he replied. They could all clearly see that her shoulder wasn't alright. It was really red. "Y/n, you should get yourself checked. The boys will wait here. Let's go." Jiyun said as she crouched down in front of her. Y/n kept quiet. A doctor's assistant came out, asking if any of them had blood type A. They needed some just in case something went wrong. "I do." Jeongin. She noticed the state of Y/n. "It's not life threatening. He'll be okay if we handle it quickly." she said. Jeongin went with her to draw some blood.

"Seungmin wouldn't like you being hurt. Go get your shoulder checked. I will wait here." Jisung said. Jiyun managed to get her friend up and took her to a doctor who had time to check her shoulder.

Seungmin was brought to a room. "It could take a few hours before he wakes up." the nurse said to the four of them. Y/n sat next to him, holding his hand. It was all because of Sungjin. She was gonna make him pay for it.

She grabbed her phone and texted a few people. She was gonna make sure that he was gonna be in jail for a long time. Jisung gave her the card of the police men. She dailed his number. "Yes, he's okay now. Could I give my statement now?" "Okay. See you soon."

"He's going to rot in jail." Y/n said.



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