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Y/n was sitting outside, getting some fresh air. All the extra information had been given to the police so they were getting ready to go to court with it. They had called her to tell her. She sighed as she sat on the bench, staring at the sky. She was just outside of the hospital as she was visiting Seungmin.

She took another sip over her ice tea. Suddenly, Seungmin was in front of her. ''You really are a fan of ice tea. You used to drink it a lot and still do.'' he suddenly said, breaking the silence. ''What?'' she asked. This was the first time she drank it when he was around. She used to drink it in her past life. ''Is peach still your favorite? Or is it lemon now?'' he asked nonchalantly and sat down next to her. ''Peach.'' she said even though she was currently drinking a lemon flavored one. ''How do you know my favorite flavor?'' she asked, testing the waters. ''I always got them for you.'' he replied. ''Are you not fully awake yet? ......Is your head hurting again?'' she asked, trying to change the subject as she couldn't believe what he had said. Did he really remember his past life? Did he really remember her? ''You can't just say s-''

''I remember.'' he said and looked her straight into her eyes. ''What?'' she asked as she was shocked. ''Oh that reminds me, let's go to Jeju again. You loved it so much. How about we go there after I get discharged?'' he asked. ''Again? I've never been to Jej-'' ''Your parents also came. It was such a fun vacation. When will I meet your parents again?'' he asked. He kept talking. ''Seungmin.'' Y/n sternly said. ''Yes?'' he answered. ''We never went to Jeju. You haven't met my parents yet. What are you talking about?'' she asked. He must remember it, but she wanted to verify it so he had to said it loud and clearly.

''Don't tell me I'm the only one that remembers all of those lovely moments. Almost all of my memories are with you. We really used to do everything together.'' he said. She gasped. ''You remember it all too, right?'' he asked, he already knew. It was obvious. ''How long have you known?'' she asked as her eyes became teary.  ''A few days before the party.'' he said. She had been suspicious of him remembering his past live a few times, but this still seemed unreal to her. 

''I remember everything and I wanna keep remembering you. So let's make lots of new memories together.'' he said and embraced her, kissing her forehead. ''Then let's create new memories in this life and in our next lives as well.'' she said as she hugged him tightly. ''Yeah, let's do that.'' he said and smiled.




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maze of memories - kim seungminWhere stories live. Discover now