3 - memory?

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Seungmin let go of her as soon as they were out of sight. He noticed that she was lost in her thoughts, so he decided to stay with her until she seemed fine. "Let's sit here." Seungmin said as he sat down on a bench that was two steps away from her. "Huh? Oh yeah, sure." she said and went to sit down next to him, leaving plenty of space in between them.

She was zoned out again. "Are you okay?" he asked as he grabbed a water bottle from his bag and gave it to her. She gladly accepted it and took a few sips. "I'm glad you came there to interfere. If not..... I don't even wanna imagine what would've happened."

Silence...... "Why did you come? Oh no, did you have to use the bathroom but couldn't because of me? There should be a public bathroom close by." she said as she looked around, looking for a bathroom sign. "No. I just had a feeling." Seungmin said. "A feeling?" "Let's just say it was my instinct kicking in."

She nodded. "Have we ever met before?" "Before?" "Yeah, like in high school, maybe?" "I don't know. Did you go to one here in Seoul?" "No, I didn't." "Then I don't think so. Why?" Seungmin asked. "I just thought you looked like someone......" she replied.

That's interesting. She was convinced that it was one of her memories of high school, but she wasn't bullied, so it didn't match up with her other memories of her high school years. And it's not like high school was ages ago, so it shouldn't be messed up in her head. She let the thought it go, thinking it was due to the shock of what was happening.

They stayed quiet, which would normally drove Y/n insane and make her feel awkward, but somehow, Y/n felt comfortable with Seungmin.

She stood up. "Let's not sit here anymore and go home." He stood up as well and walked with her to the nearest bus stop.

"Which bus do you take?" she asked. "603." he said. "Guess I'll leave you then. My bus is coming." she said as she saw her bus approaching the bus stop. He nodded.

It was silent again. "Thanks for helping me and staying with me..... Get home safely." Y/n said before getting on the bus. She quickly went to sit by the window and waved to Seungmin as the bus started driving. Without him even realizing it, he waved back at you.

"Just go. Your parents miss you." he said. "But then I'll have to miss youuuu." Y/n whined. "You'll see me in two days. Besides, I can't go against my in-laws' wishes." he said. She gently punched his shoulder. He was definitely teasing her. He pushed her inside the bus as it was about to leave. She ran to a spot by the window and opened it. "I'll call you." she said. He nodded and smiled at her. The bus took off as he waved at her.

"I must be going crazy because of the shock." Y/n mumbled to herself. It was a memory, no, it was daydreaming. How could it be a memory? He looked way older... And in-laws? She had never been engaged or married before. She turned 20 this year....

"Ugh, I don't know." she mumbled and closed her eyes. She didn't wanna think about anything anymore, but specifically today. It was either too confusing or too disgusting.



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maze of memories - kim seungminWhere stories live. Discover now