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It was already a few days later. "You can't have a crush in my future girlfriend, man." Jisung said to his friend, still teasing him about the red ears incident. "I told you that's not it. It was hot in there." Seungmin responded "Sure, sure." They heard loud footsteps from behind but before they could turn around an arm flung around Seungmin's and Jisung's neck. ''What are you guys talking about?'' Y/n asked. 

''What are you guys talking about?'' she asked as her arms were around their necks. It seemed very nonchalant but Seungmin's heart was raising. ''You decide what we should eat. We're thinking of teokbokki or bulgogi.'' Jisung said. ''Bulgogi? Did you get your allowance?'' she asked. ''No, you're paying~~.'' ''In your dreams.'' she replied. Seungmin felt a sting in his heart. Was he jealous of them?  He gently pushed her arm off, which made her a bit sad. The high schoolers walked further until they really needed to decide what to eat. Y/n's arm was still around Jisung, Seungmin didn't like it at all. 

''Rock paper scissors, the loser pays.'' Seungmin suggested as they had decided that they were gonna eat bulgogi. They stopped in their tracks. Jisung took a step forward towards Seungmin, causing Y/n's arm to fall off. ''Rock paper scissors shoot!'' he yelled. ''YEAAAHHHH!!'' Jisung yelled as he had won. He walked to the bulgogi place that wasn't too far from them and proudly waited in front of the entrance, doing a little victory dance. Seungmin stood there for a bit. His only goal had been to separate them so he didn't realize his loss at first. As Y/n had noticed that he was lost in his thoughts, she grabbed a hold of his hand. ''Come on, I'm hungry.'' she said and smiled sweetly at him. It snapped him back to reality. She walked in front of him, kind of dragging him along. ''We can split the bill.'' Y/n said as they were almost there. She had a soft spot for him and a big crush as well. ''No, it's okay.'' he said as he looked at their hands, smiling to himself. Butterflies were flying around in his stomach. Jisung noticed and just laughed at his dear friend. ''Hurry upppppp! I'm hungrrrrrryyyyy.'' he said as they were standing next to him.

''Don't you have class?'' Jisung asked. ''Why do you know my schedule?'' she asked. ''So that I can plan our dates~~~'' he said with a smirk. ''Can you back off? She's mine already.'' Jiyun said as she stepped in between Jisung and Y/n. Y/n glanced over at Seungmin, he was lost in his thoughts. ''Well I'm taking Y/n as my date to the party. Are you guys also going?'' Jiyun asked. 'Wait- I''m going?'' Y/n asked, a bit shocked. ''Yeah duhhh.'' Jiyun replied. ''I'm the life of the party of course I'm going. I'll just have to snatch Y/n away during the party.'' Jisung said. ''Are you going?'' Y/n directly asked Seungmin. ''Huh? Oh yeah, I have to make sure that loser doesn't get in trouble.'' he replied.

Seungmin gently pushed her arm off. ''I forgot that I need to return a book. I'll meet you guys later.'' he said and left. ''We could've gone with him.'' Jiyun said. ''Just let him be. Maybe he was just sick of you two bickering.'' Y/n said as she looked at Seungmin walking away from them. ''And he left you here with the bickering duo? Love that for you.'' Jiyun teased her. Y/n had told her that she kept thinking about Seungmin but maybe she should've worded it better.

Seungmin was at the library. He wanted to check something. He walked to the section where they had found Y/n reading a book. He looked at the shelf, there were a lot of books about the past. His eyes fell onto the book Jisung had snatched from her hands: 'Memories of the past life.'

He grabbed it and read through it. ''Suddenly recalling vivid memories as if they had actually happened not to long ago might be because it was a memory of your past life...... It is believed that some people can remember their past life(s) when they get in contact with someone of their past lives...... Sometimes people from your current life can look the same as people in your past life. It is said that when one remembers, the other will start to remember, but not always.'' he read. He closed the book. It made sense but it also didn't. It was very confusing. It sounds like a lie but it was really happening. He was thinking about her and remembering her often since a few days ago. He wasn't going crazy from a crush or something. ......Does that mean that Y/n remembers too? If she does, it would clarify the way she would look at him.

He placed to book back. What if he would just ask her? He would seem crazy if she doesn't remember and he didn't want to seem like a insane person to her. Would it even change their situation? What even was their situation? All he knew is that he remembered her and that his heart was indeed beating faster whenever she was around. He sighed. If he asked Jisung for advice, he'd just think he had gone insane. He sighed again. He had to fact check it somehow...



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maze of memories - kim seungminWhere stories live. Discover now