2 - groupproject

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"My head hurtssssss." Jiyun whined as they listened to their 3rd lecture of the day. They had been going to college for a month now, and they were kind of regretting it as there were a lot of projects.

"Then you shouldn't have drank so much." Y/n said. "Let me do what I want. It's not like I'm making enemies like you." Jiyun said. "Gosh, I get it. My life wouldn't be a living hell if I had let him get one of the girls. Next time, I'll think twice." Y/n said. "You could've been lowkey about it." "Well then he should've been lowkey about it too."

"Can you guys shut up? I've heard this conversation too many times." Jeongin said, a classmate (and a friend) who was sitting right behind them.

Y/n received a text. "Nooooo." she said. "What?" Jeongin and Jiyun asked. "Hell wants to meet up again." she said as she replied to the text. "Good luck." Jeongin said. "Let me know if you beat someone up, I'll bring popcorn." Jiyun said. Y/n rolled her eyes at her.

Y/n referred to one of her projectgroups as HELL because that one senior was in it, someone who hadn't done any work so far (3rd year senior) and a person that doesn't talk unless it's related to the project (seungmin). It wasn't a fun group. Especially because that one senior is always trying to pick a fight with her.

As soon as her lecture was done, she rushed over to the usual meeting spot. "Sorry, my lecture just ended." she said as she was huffing like crazy, trying to catch her breath.

"Sit down already." the senior said. "Don't be late next time." "Sunbae*, she can't do anything about her lecture not ending sooner." She quickly sat down next to Seungmin as she was most comfortable next to him.

* sunbae is Korean for senior. Also, everyone that's in a higher year
than you is called a senior.

After a while, the 4th year senior and the 3rd year senior started to talk about some girls in a very disrespectful way. Y/n couldn't hear any more of it, so she glared at them. "Can you stop being dicks?" she asked with a sassy tone. "Why? I can rate you if you want, but you'd have to bent over first." the 4th year senior said. "If you wanna be punched, you can just ask directly." she said and rolled her eyes.

She sighed as he tried to sound smart with his comeback but he honestly sounded even more dumb. She stood up and walked to the bathroom.

Seungmin watched as the 4th year senior got up, also walking to the bathroom. He suddenly got the shivers, meaning something bad was gonna happen.

Seungmin packed his things in his bag, as the 3rd year had also done, meaning they would probably call it a day as soon as the others were back. He noticed that Y/n's laptop was about to die, so he quickly saved the document she was working on and closed it.

The feeling didn't go away so he stood up and walked to the bathroom. He saw the 4th year senior pinning Y/n to the wall, placing his hands on places where he shouldn't. He saw her struggling. As his hands were about to go under her shirt, Seungmin rushed over, pulling him off her. "That's enough." he said and gently grabbed a hold of Y/n.

Y/n has a deja vu moment as soon as his hand touches her arm. Three high school girls were in front of her. They were saying horrible things to her. They were about to slap her when someone who looked exactly like Seungmin showed up. "That's enough." She was dragged away by him. She was confused so she just let him drag her with him.

The senior stood there, shocked for a bit. Seungmin dragged her to the table and quickly slipped all her things into her bag, and grabbed his as well. He hadn't let go of her arm as they were heading to the door. "I know you want me! You can't keep denying it." the 4th year senior said as the door closed behind them.



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