5 - accusation

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"Are you headed to the dorms?" Seungmin asked as they walked over the busy streets. "Oh no, I don't live in the dorms. Jiyun and I live together in an apartment. It's like a fifteen minute bus ride from campus." Y/n replied. "That must be nice. There is no curfew to worry about." Jisung said. "Yeah, it is." she said and smiled at them. "Feel free to crash at our place if the dorms are locked up." she joked. "You can't take that back!" Jisung said. The three of them had gotten closer during the dinner and exchanged numbers as well.

The boys accompanied Y/n to the library as Y/n was gonna help Jiyun with some research for a project she was working on. They entered the library building, confused by the crowd in front of the actual library part of the building. Sungjin stood in the middle of the hall, surrounded by the students at a safe distance. He walked over to one if the students. "TEXT Y/N TO GET HERE. That b!tch." he said.

He went towards another student, so Y/n stepped into the circle. "Stop harassing them. I'm here. What do you want?" Y/n asked. Sungjin swiftly turned around and made his way towards her, stopping right in front of her. He tried to be intimidating. Anyone could notice it.

Sungjin started accusing Y/n of posting such a rumor on the uni bulletinboard. "HOW DARE YOU SPREAD SUCH MALICIOUS RUMORS ABOUT ME? YOU MUST HAVE A LOT OF FREE TIME." "YOU EVEN PHOTOSHOPPED THE PICTURES. YOU MUST REALLY WANT MY ATTENTION." He grabbed her by the collar and pushed her onto the ground.

Jiyun, who had seen the situation unfold, ran to Y/n, helping her up from the ground. Seungmin and Jisung also take a step forward into the circle. "What nonsense are you spouting about? If you accuse someone, you should have evidence." Seungmin said. "SHE WARNED ME! SHE THREATENED ME WITH THE UNI BULLETINBOARD! IT'S OBVIOUS THAT IS WAS HER!" Sungjin yelled.

"You must be full of yourself. I don't want to spend even a second of my time on you." Y/n said and glared at him. "She was with us the whole time, so don't try to put the blame on her. Even if it was her, that doesn't change the fact that you did those things." Seungmin said.

"Wow, so she got you wrapped around your finger. Of course she has. You guys must've been in on it then." Sungjin said as he pointed towards the two boys, stepping closer to try to intimidate them. "Not everyone can just post something on the bulletinboard. You should know that as a sunbae." Jiyun said, who was ready to fight him on behalf of her friend.

"And if those photos are photoshopped... then why are so many people sharing their story about how you sexually assaulted them. Surely you don't think the whole world is against you?" Y/n said as she stepped towards him, making sure that there was still enough distance between them. He glared at her. Fists were clenched. "Wow, you really must be full of yourself." she said. He took a step towards her, leaving a few inches between them.

She looked at him with an emptionless expression, and the students around them started murmuring loudly. Sungjin felt cornered. He walked to the door, making sure to bump into Seungmin's shoulder on the way. "This isn't over." he said before leaving the building, going to.. well, no one really cared.

"Are you okay?" Jisung asked Y/n as she sighed heavily. She was relieved, but it was still a scary situation. He could've easily hit her at any moment. He was short tempered enough to beat her up even in front of a crowd. "I'm fine." she said. "Let's go take a breather outside." Jiyun suggested and took her friend outside as the two boys quietly followed.



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