11 - crossroad

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Y/n and Jihyun were meeting up with Jisung and Seungmin. They were on their way to the meeting place. "The weather sure is nice today." Jiyun said and smiled brightly. "A bit too hot for me." Y/n said as she looked in front of her again. They stood there, waiting for the light to turn green so they could cross the street.

Her eyes locked with someone else's, and before she could tell Jiyun, who was waving at her, her vision became blurry.

Seungmin stood there, across the road, waving at Y/n. The traffic light was broken, and it was pretty dark. Traffic passed by every once in a while. Y/n smiled brightly. She was so excited to see him after a whole week that she stepped onto the road, quickly checking if it was safe.

A sport's car approached swiftly as she was still crossing the road. Seungmin realized that the car wasn't going to stop on time, so he rushed over to her. Quickly embracing her so the impact would be less.

Their bodies flew through the air, and the force separated the two of them. Y/n ears were ringing, and she couldn't think straight. How was Seungmin? She turned her head and saw Seungmin. His body lay in a pool of blood. His blood. Tears rolled over her cheeks as she crawled to him. "Seungmin..." she muttered as she held his hand, hoping for him to tell her it's okay. She didn't feel a pulse. She cried her eyes out. A doctor who saw it happen, wanted to check her as Seungmin was a lost case but Y/n didn't let go of his hand. She wasn't gonna leave his side.

Y/n started hyperventilating. She grabbed onto her shirt, moving the fabric away from her throat. "Y/n?! Are you okay?" Jiyun asked as she saw her friend in a panic state. "Oh uh. Its gonna be okay, just listen to my voice." she said as she quickly guided her friend to a place out of the sun and with no people close by.

As soon as the light turned green, Seungmin and Jisung rushed over. "What happened?" Jisung asked as Seungmin ignored her and went to Y/n, crouching down in in front of her "I don't know she suddenly started hyperventilating." Jiyun said. "What should I do? I don't know what to do. Do we call an ambulance? Do we get her a bag she can breathe in?" Jiyun was slightly panicked. "Yeah I think w- she's breathing again." Jisung said as he looked over at Y/n.

Seungmin was holding her hands and looked her straight in the eye, keeping eye contact the whole time, trying to make her breathe like him, on a normal tempo. The second he was in front of her, she felt less suffocating. She started to breathe normally. "Are you okay now?" Jiyun asked as she and Jisung both stepped closer. "Yeah... I just suddenly got stuffy." Y/n replied. "Wait here. I'll get you something to cool down. Don't move an inch." Jiyun said and Jisung quickly followed her as she was still a bit shocked from what had happened to her friend.

"It was scary wasn't it? I'm sorry." Seungmin suddenly said. Y/n's eyes widend. "What?" she asked. "You couldn't breathe, that must have been scary." he said. "Oh yeah... it was....." she replied. "But why did you apologize?" "I felt like it was the right to do. Why? Did it upset you?" he asked. She glanced at him. He looked st her with a guilty look. Did his memories start to pop up?

"I got your favorite ice cream. Have it quickly before it melts." Jiyun said and unwrapped the ice cream for her friend. As Y/n ate her ice cream, she glanced over at Seungmin. He seemed lost in his thoughts. Did he remember it too? She really hope he didn't.

He sometimes said things that made her question if he really did remember his past life, or her... If there was a chance that he remembered, she didn't want him to remember this memory. If he didn't remember then that's better. She wasn't gonna ask him. It's unbelievable. Besides they were doing just fine.



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