6 - the past

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It's been two weeks since the Sungjin situation in the library building. And yet there they were again. Jiyun and Y/n were in the library looking for some books.

"I think this is enough for now." Jiyun whispered to Y/n. "Okay, you head back, I'm going to look for a book." Y/n said. "Do you need my help to find it?" Jiyun asked. "No, just go work on your report. I'll join you in a minute." Y/n said. Jiyun nodded and went back to the room they had reserved so they could still talk and discuss things while they were in the library.

Y/n walked to another part of the library. Some eyes were still on her. The murmurs and all the gossip did die down a bit as Sungjin took a leave of absence. She ignored the glances and walked to the bookshelf she hoped would make her understand herself a bit more.

"Past life........." Her fingers traced the books so she wouldn't miss one. "Ah here, memories of a past life. Oh, past life: a phenomenon." she read the titles and grabbed the books.

She started flipping through the first book.

Past life: a phenomenon
- it is unsure if someone has a past life as it might be their first.
- some childs remember their past lives but forget it at the age of 4 and never remember it.
- some people believe that deja vu moments are similar to scenarios that happened in one's past life.
- a few adults experience remembering little things they never even knew about or couldn't even be possible.

"Seems like basic knowledge...." she murmured to herself as she put the book back and opened the other one, flipping through it as well. The books were simply too thick to read completely, and she didn't want to let Jiyun wait that long.

Memories of the past life
- suddenly recalling vivid memories as if they had actually happened not to long ago might be because it was a memory of your past life
- remembering someone from your past life means that your souls are connected in a way
- recalling ancient times even when you only heard of those times, could be the cause of remember multiple past lives
- it is believed that some people can remember their past life(s) when they get in contact with someone of their past lives
- a common memory is a memory with a lover of their past life
- sometimes people from your current life can look the same as people in your past life
- it is said that when one remembers, the other will start to remember, but not always
- there are not any records of people recalling their past life(s) as it could be a lie, it's impossible to gain evidence
- it may all be a-

The book was grabbed out of her hands as she read the last sentence so she couldn't finish reading it. Her eyes followed the hand that had grabbed the book. There was Jisung. "Memories of a past life. Why do you recall us being lovers?" Jisung joked. "You wish." she said and grabbed the book out of his hands, putting it back on the shelf.

She waved to Seungmin, who stood at the beginning of this section. He nodded his head as he was holding onto some books.

"Are you done yet?" Seungmin asked. Y/n stayed silent. "Hurry, the books are heavyyy." he whined. "Just go." she said.  She then found the book she was looking for but she couldn't reach it. Seungmin grinned. "Do you need my help?" "No." "You sure? It seems like you won't be able to reach it." "I'll reach it." she said and started to jump. "Why do they place books so high up?!" A hand reached for it and grabbed onto the book, so she stopped jumping. Y/n felt someone's body against her back. She turned around and looked into Seungmin's eyes. "Normal people can reach it. You should grow some more." he said. "Ha ha funny." She grabbed the book out of his hand. He suddenly leaned onto her, slowly wrapping his arms around her. "This is not the time to recreate a scene from your favorite drama." Y/n said. The memory made her smile. She didn't realize that it made Seungmin blush a bit. "Are you smiling at another guy right in front of me?" Jisung asked as if he was offended. He lowkey was.... "I am. What are you gonna do about it?" she asked as she stuck his tongue out to him. "Okayyy, I see how it is." Jisung said, making Y/n a bit concerned. She shrugged her shoulders, deciding to ignore his jokes for now.

"What are you guys doing here?" she asked as he walked over to Seungmin, Jisung following her like a lost puppy. "Looking for my long lost lover." Jisung said with a smile. Y/n just rolled her eyes. "We were gonna work on our report here, but there are no seats left." Seungmin said. "Wait, so he actually does school?" she asked, pointing towards Jisung. "It shocks me too." Seungmin said. "Really? Are you two gonna be like this? I'll tell Jiyun." Jisung threatened. Y/n shrugged her shoulders, Jiyun would probably help them tease him.

"Anyways, we have a room. You can sit with us." Y/n said as she started walking towards the reserved room.



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