7 - red ears

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They were all quietly working on whatever needed to he done. Reports or assignments which deadlines were nearing.

The door of the study room suddenly opened, and Jeongin walked into the room, bowing to the seniors as he had made eye contact with them. "Oh, you're here. Come sit." Y/n said as she moved her stuff so he could sit down.

"Oh, have you guys met already?" Jiyun asked. They shook their head. "Dont be shy and introduce yourself." Y/n whispered to Jeongin as she lightly elbowed his arm.

"Hello, I'm Yang Jeongin. Nice to meet you." Jeongin said and bowed his head once more. "Oh... yeah. I'm Han Jisung, and this quiet fellow is Kim Seungmin." Jisung said. "Are you the same age as-" "Yes, so please speak comfortably, sunbae." Jeongin said. "Ah, you don't have to be so formal." Jisung said.

After a little chit-chat, they went on with what they were working on. "Y/n-ah, do you understand what this means?" Jeongin quietly asked, but everyone could hear it as it was silent in the room. It didn't bother anyone, it's not like they were studying for exams.

"Let me see." Y/n said quietly as she scooted over. Seungmin looked over. It was simply just in his view, so his eyes automatically landed on them.

Their shoulders were touching. "Oh, this. Let me show you how to fix it." Y/n said quietly. She leaned in more. It looked a little like a side way hug. Her hand was on top of his that was on the mouse that was attached to the laptop.

Seungmin felt dizzy, and his heart felt weird. Then suddenly he wasn't in the study room anymore.

Y/n moved closer to help her classmate solve an issue. There was no space between them. "Wow, she really can be clueless. It must be tough for you." a high school student, who looked like Jisung, said to him. "She already confessed to me." Seungmin said. "She did? When?" "Yesterday." "Then are you dating now?" "I didn't get to answer her because of the bell." "You should hurry and tell her how you feel too. Minseok clearly has her eyes on her." "I haven't thought what to say yet. And someone's heart can't change that fast." Seungmin said. "Jia confessed to me yesterday but is already onto a new guy." Jisung said. "That's Jia, she's just... Jia." Seungmin said.

Seungmin's and Y/n's eyes met. She stood up from her seat, leaving the classmate behind. She stood right in front of Seungmin in front of the classroom door. "What brings you here?" she asked as she smiled brightly at him.

"Yah! Get away from my girlfriend." Jisung suddenly said as he noticed how close Jeongin and Y/n were sitting. It snapped Seungmin right back. "Girlfriend?" Jeongin asked. "Don't spread your nonsense onto this innocent child." Y/n said as she covered Jeongin's ears. "Y/n-ah are you dating?" Jeongin asked. She scooted back to her own spot. For some reason, Seungmin really wanted to know the answer.

"You guys would know if I was dating someone. He's just dreaming. Just ignore his nonsense." Y/n said. "I know you're just playing hard to get." Jisung said and winked at her.

Seungmin felt relieved by her answer but that feeling also made him feel confused. What did he even see just now? A memory? No, they weren't in high school together. Seungmin and Y/n locked eyes for a moment. She smiled at him before looking at the screen of her laptop again.

Seungmin felt his ears getting hot, quickly turning red. He didn't dare to move his hair over it as someone might notice, so he looked at his book again. But Jisung saw it all and he was going to tease his friend about it, a lot.



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