4 - dinner

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Y/n wants to buy dinner, actually just any meal, for Seungmin, to properly thank him. She had asked around to find out when his last class would end.

The classroom door opened, and Y/n watched a lot of students walk out, and then she saw him. "Seungmin sunbae!" she yelled. His eyes immediately locked eyes with her. "Who's that? Do you know her?" Jisung asked, but Seungmin had already started walking towards Y/n.

He stood in front of her. "What's up?" he asked. "Have you eaten yet?" she asked. Jisung gasped as he looked at the two in shock. "I think she's asking you out on a date." he whispered to his friend. "No, I haven't eaten yet." Seungmin replied, ignoring the comment of his friend. "I'd like to properly thank you, so shall we have dinner together?" she asked.

"It's really not necessary." Seungmin said. "I would feel frustrated if I don't get to do this, so let me just do this." Y/n said. "Listen to the cute hoobae*, you can't ignore her wishes." Jisung said. "But we work as a 1+1 deal, so...." "Oh that's fine. What do you guys wanna eat?" "Bulgogi?" Jisung asked, looking at his dear friend. He nodded.

* hoobae is Korean for junuor. Also, everyone that's in a lower year
than you is called a junior.

"So you wanted to thank him for his help?" Jisung asked. "Yeah." Y/n replied. "What did you help her with?" Jisung asked Seungmin. "Don't worry about it." he replied. "Huh? You helped a beautiful lady of course I should worry! You can't try and date behind my back." Jisung said.

"That's not it." Seungmin said as he put some cooked bulgogi on Y/n plate. "Then can I try?" Jisung asked as he made a bulgogi wrap. "Suit yourself." Seungmin said. "You guys do know I'm right here, right?" Y/n asked, laughing as she found it a bit funny.

"You can't date behind my back!" "I'm not dating behind your back. I already told you that we were dating." Seungmin said. "Am I not important enough to remember? That kind of makes me sad. I thought you were his best friend. "I am, I just.. I- I have no excuses."

The memory shocked her a bit. Seungmin, or no someone who looked like him, and she were dating? Are these real memories of her? Is she an alien? Is she remembering her past life? She was confused.

Jisung suddenly gasped very loudly as he looked at his phone. "What?" Y/n asked. "Sungjin sunbae is the main topic on the bulletin board of our school. There are pictures of him carrying girls into a motel. And pictures of him grabbing them inappropriately. He's done for." he said.

"Sungjin is the 4th year bastard in our group." Seungmin said as he saw the confusion on Y/n's face. "Oh, that's his name?!" "You didn't know?" Jisung asked, quite shocked. "Well, I just call him 'jerk' if I talk about him." Y/n said.

And then realisation hit her, and she started to panick a bit. Did someone take a photo of her and that sunbae? Seungmin glanced over at her again. Without thinking, he placed his hand or hers. "The isn't a photo of you." he whispered so that only she could hear it. Jisung didn't need to know of it. She nodded and faintly smiled at him before looking at Jisung's screen as he was slowing the 'article' for her to read.

"Well, the whole school will probably see this if they haven't already. What do you think he would do? Quit school?" Y/n asked the two of them. "I would quit if I were him." Jisung said. "I don't think he will... He's in his last year. I think he's gonna take some time off." Seungmin said. "Yeah, I think so too, but I hope he quits. He's a bad person." Y/n said.



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