13 - danger

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Y/n was walking home. It was quite late, so it was already dark outside. The way to the apartment wasn't a busy street, which she enjoyed. It was calming, just hearing the sounds of the city, the wind breezing through her hair. She liked taking walks from time to time.

No one was around, but suddenly she heard some footsteps. She stopped walking and turned around. No one. Her phone rang. Seungmin was calling her.

"Hey~~." she said, forgetting the ominous feeling she felt. "I'm close by." "Really? I thought you were busy?" "I missed you, and Jiyun doesn't mind me coming over soooo." "You're so cute." she chuckled. She saw something move in the round traffic mirror. She glanced over and saw a man dressed in black, holding something in one of his hands. He was sneaking around, following her.

She sighed. "Is something wrong?" "Ah yes, let me send you the picture I took. Hold on." she said totally off topic but she couldn't let the man behind her know that she knew he was there. Who knows what he would do if he knew. Y/n texted Seungmin as she continued walking and also keeping him on the call.

I'm being followed by a man. I think he has a weapon. I'm taking a different route.
# live location.

"Isn't it a cute picture?" she asked as she put the phone back to her ear. "I'm five minutes away from you. Do not hang up." "I know right. We should take one together next time." she had to pretend that everything was fine. The man could attack her if he knew that he was busted.

Without her knowing, she walked into an alleyway that had a dead end. It did have a street to the left, but she had passed it already, so it would be weird if she walked back. The man probably thought she was walking home, so she had to keep acting like it.

The footsteps sounded more rapid and closer. Suddenly, a hand grabbed her wrist, causing her to drop her phone as he pushed her onto the wall.

"I told you it wasn't over." he said. She recognized his voice. She knew all too well who it is, without any hesitation, she grabbed a hold of his mask, ripping it off, revealing his face. He didn't like it, so she was pushed even harder against the wall, putting pressure on collarbone and shoulder.

In the meantime, Seungmin was running at full speed, making sure to take the right path to her live location that was still the same.

"YOU RUINED ME!" he heard a man yell. He put his phone in his pocket as he ran into the alleyway. Seungmin saw Y/n being pressed against the wall, without a thought he launched himself at the man. Hitting him hard, making him move slightly away from Y/n. He went to stand in between them. "Are you okay?" he quickly asked her.

"Fucking bastard." Sungjin said. "You ruined me but I'm getting hit. You guys psycho." "You did that to yourself. You assaulted others. Even now. You didn't change at all." Y/n said. "You're the psycho. You're attacking someone for things you did yourself." Seungmin said.

Sungjin started laughing. He dropped the brick he was holding and grabbed something from his pocket. A knife. A big one. "Sure. I'll be the psycho." he said and charged at them.



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