10 - responsibility

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Seungmin had woken up and looked around to see where everyone was. Jiyun was in her room with her door wide open, she was playing a game on her phone. Jeongin fell asleep on the couch and Jisung was still asleep in the chair. ''Where's Y/n?'' he softly asked Jiyun. ''I think in her room.'' she replied.

Seungmin knocked on her door. Nothing. He knocked again. Silence. He slightly opened the door and peeked inside, but she wasn't there. He walked over to the kitchen and found a note: 'I'm going to the convenient store, I'll be back shortly.'

Y/n sat there on a bench in front of the convenient store, slurping on some strawberry milk. Seungmin walked passed her as he didn't notice her. She was  gonna tease him. ''Aren't you going to take responsibility?'' she asked loudly. Seungmin stopped in his tracks and turned around. ''Are you planning on running away?'' she asked. He walked towards her, stopping right in front of her. 

''I'll take responsibility.'' he said and looked her straight into her eyes. ''Do you wanna go out with me?'' he asked. She was shocked. ''Wait wait, we didn't kiss. It really didn't happen.'' she said thinking that he might see that as a reason to actually take responsibility even when he fell asleep and nothing happened. ''I know, but I wanted to kiss you.'' he said. ''Heck, I want to kiss you even now.''

''Wait, no I didn't want to say it like that.'' he said. ''I really, really like you. Do you wanna go out with me?'' he asked again. ''So suddenly? I mean I'm into you too and I like you but this is out of nowhere.'' she said. ''It might seem that way, but I've liked you for a very long time.'' he said, referring to his past life and their past relationship but he was gonna keep that to himself for now. He wasn't ready to actually discuss past lives yet. 

He sat down next to her. ''So we're going out now?'' he asked. She nodded as she took a sip of her strawberry flavored milk. His hand moved over to her hand and he gently intertwined their fingers. She couldn't help but smile.

''Oh right, I should get something for everyone's hangover.'' she said and stood up. She looked back at Seungmin, waiting for him to stand up too. When he realized, he quickly stood up. Hand in hand they walked to the restaurant close by to get some bean sprout soup as that always helped Y/n and Jiyun curing their hangover, so she hoped it would help for the others as well.

Y/n opened the door. ''WAKE UP YA LAZY ASSES!'' she yelled as she put the soup on the table. Jisung and Jeongin showed their discomfort with the loud noise. ''CHOP CHOP!'' she yelled as she dragged Jisung off the couch, but Seungmin quickly took over so she started pulling Jeongin to the table. ''Thanks for the food, babe.'' Jiyun said and winked at Y/n as she sat down at the table, ready to eat. Y/n winked back as she held Seungmin's hand under the table. She smiled at him before starting to eat her soup. He held in his smile and started eating while the butterflies were flying around.



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