9 - confession

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It was party time. It had been for the last two hours. The party was hosted in an actual nightclub. Jiyun, Y/n and Jeongin had been drinking and dancing a lot when they bumped into Seungmin and Jisung. ''Hey you're also here! I didn't expect to see you.'' Jisung said to Jeongin. He was quite fond of the younger fellow. Seungmin smiled to Y/n and she smiled back. Jiyun nudged her friend, which got rewarded by a slap on the arm. ''Are you enjoying yourself?'' Y/n asked. Seungmin nodded.

''Oh the girls are over there. Let's go.'' Jiyun said and dragged Y/n with her. Y/n waved goodbye to Seungmin with an apologetic smile. She wanted to talk and dance with him. ''You're with us now.'' he said to Jeongin as he averted his attention to the two boys.

4 hours later and a few bottles later, the five of them were on their way to Y/n's and Jiyun's apartment as it was past the curfew, so the boys couldn't get into the dorms. Y/n was the most sober one out of them and she wasn't actually sober...... ''We're gonna have a slumber party hehe.'' Jiyun laughed as they were finally almost at the apartment complex. ''We should pillow fight.'' ''I'll destroy you. I'm the pillow fight king.'' ''What a load of crap.'' ''YAH! I CHALLENGE YOU!'' ''Hyung stop yelling! You're so louddddd.'' ''Oh sorry baby~~~'' Conversations like that had been going on the entire time but they seemed to get more talkative as they were closeby.

Y/n opened the door and Jiyun rushed in, dropping herself onto the couch. ''Finally. These heels are killing me.'' ''You should've been born taller.'' ''YAH!'' Heels flew through the air. Y/n laughed as she watched the scene in front of her, grabbing some water from the fridge and chucking it down. 

After some questionable conversations, some of them have just fallen asleep. Literally a few minutes ago. Y/n couldn't sleep and just zoned out. Seungmin was also awake, but he could fall asleep any second. At least that's what it seemed like. He was seated next to her and was staring at her. He reached his hand out to her cheek, gently caressing it with his thumb. Y/n looked at him. ''I wish you knew how much space you occupy in my mind.'' he said as he looked at her with a loving gaze. He leaned closer, staring at her lips. Y/n didn't move, she couldn't. She was nervous and her heart was beating fast. She felt his warm breath on her lips, his lips were inches away. 

She instinctively closed her eyes. Suddenly she felt some weight on her shoulder. She opened her eyes and saw that Seungmin's head was on her shoulder. She blinked a few times, in confusion. She let out a little laugh, how could he fall asleep like that?! She gently moved his head onto the side of the couch and then stood up.

She walked over to the balcony, she had to get some fresh air. She thought about what he said. ''Wait?! Does he remember?'' she asked herself as she looked over at him.



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