A Hot Shower Scene

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Knuckette was walking to the girls locker room for gym class,

After lunch break, she couldn't help but being seen by this blue hedgehog.

Earlier in class, everyone was reading the chapter they were instructed too, Knuckette thought to herself as she sees Setsuna reading, "This Setsuna is a real cocky girl."

Setsuna looked at her without turning. Knuckette looked at the chapter and thought, "It's only been the first day and already she is treating me like she knows me."

Now in the hallway to the girls locker room, she thought to herself, "But something about her, ugh.. I just can't shake the feeling. Is she...? No it's not possible! This girl, those eyes. What does she want with me?"

She entered the girls locker room. There was no one around.

She assumed everyone already changed. She shrugged and went over to her locker and got her gym clothes.

She then walked to the shower rooms. She thought as she sighed deeply and opened the door, "Ugh. I am so not gonna be happy today..."

She then felt steam and hears the shower running. She let out a 'huh?' before seeing who was in the shower.

It was Setsuna. She was taking a shower in the shower room just after changing into a towel.

Knuckette was surprised at her. Setsuna has a real graceful body.

Knuckette didn't even realized she was blushing a deep red while utterly speechless.

Setsuna looked to see her and said, "Oh hey, I didn't see you there."

Knuckette couldn't stop looking at her. It was like she was frozen.

Setsuna walked to her and asked, "Are you feeling okay? Hello?!"

Knuckette then took one look at Setsuna's medium size breasts before she screamed with a nosebleed and collapsed.

Knuckette was extremely dizzy as Setsuna asked, "Uhh hello?!"

Knuckette replied, "You... are one hot bitch." Then she passed out.

Setsuna sighed deeply and said, "Guess I gotta take her to the nurse."

That's when two of her sisters showed up in their gym clothes.

Makie said to Setsuna, "You may wanna get her dressed first baby sis."

Setsuna replied, "I know." Makie then said, "I can have Satomi help you."

Setsuna replied, "No thanks big sis. I got this. You two head on, I'll get her to the nurses office."

Satomi replied, "I blame our Grandma for us having medium size tits."

Makie replied to Setsuna, "Just be sure to head to the gym when your done."

Setsuna then said, "Can do sis. By the way, find anything?"

Makie shook her head and said, "No, still nothing. But we may need a list of suspects and the history of this school. Satomi will check that out in the evening. Keep watching the girl."

Setsuna hugged her and said, "Can do sis." Satomi also said, "Mom woulda been proud of us."

The three girls looked down as Setsuna she's a tear or two. Makie replied to her sisters, "I know, I miss her too girls. So does Dad. But this school is our hope to catch our Mothers killer."

Satomi replied, "We three promised ourselves we find our Mothers killer and we are going to."

Setsuna then said as she picked up the unconscious Knuckette, "Even if it means, we put ourselves in a certain death situation."

The three sisters agreed as they headed out. But Makie stopped Setsuna and said, "Wait. You change in your gym clothes first."

Setsuna looked that she was naked still and said with a embarrassment blush, "Thanks for the warning. I almost went to gym naked."

Makie replied as Setsuna went back in, "Anytime baby sister."

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