Chapter 1 (I'm greedy for love)

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-Y/n POV-

"Y/N WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU." Hearing the sound of my girlfriend's voice hit an inhuman pitch I shivered.

I was currently hiding from said person in one of the many bedrooms in Ariana's penthouse with Toulouse. Why Toulouse. Well, it's simple Ariana has a vow to never hurt an animal and this animal was also her favorite pet.

So I'm hoping whatever she wants to do to me will be lessened from the fear of hurting her little baby. Was I using a dog as a shield? Yes. Was it messed up? In my case debatable.

After all, I didn't even know what I did wrong. Though when it comes to Ariana it's fist first then words.

"THERE YOU ARE." Suddenly one of Ariana's stripper heels flew past my head whiplashing me. "HOW DARE YOU NOT ANSWER MY PHONE." I stare at Ariana. Was this bitch for real right now.

I thought she dug up my old porn collection. Or maybe she ran into my ex and she told her some deep dark secret about myself. But all of this was because I didn't answer her phone.

"You can't be serious right now." Ariana walked towards me causing me to grip onto Toulouse tighter. "Oh, I am very much being serious right now Y/n L/n." Ariana spat out at me.

The whole government name is crazy.

"So tell me what was the reason you didn't answer my phone." Ariana picked up her other stripper heel and threw it at me this one hitting me in the back. "I bet you had your face between some stupid whore!"

Rubbing my back I groaned. "Of course not Ari."

"Then why weren't you answering my phone? I thought you might've gotten kidnapped you know. I was so worried it's not like you to not respond when I call or text you." Ariana started tearing up and I felt somewhat bad.

Keyword somewhat.

"Ari I don't have a phone. You broke it remember." Ariana stared at me. "Oh yeah."

The other day Ariana while I was sleeping went into my phone and found my conversation with a client. I was a photographer which meant I took pictures of people and their pets for a living.

My client had sent over photos to me as a reference for how she wanted the photos to be done. And Ariana freaked out and in the end, my phone "accidentally" went over the balcony hitting the pavement.

After that mess, I went back to my apartment for a few days and Ariana was heartbroken. She was acting as if we had broken up but all I did was just go back home. But with how she's acting now I'm starting to think I should've stayed a while longer.

Ariana started getting all teary-eyed. "I'm sorry baby I'm so stupid I was getting angry at you for something that was my fault." I stood up and put down Toulouse who happily ran towards Ariana.

"It's okay I forgive you." Ariana smiled and then hugged me wrapping me in her warm embrace. "I'm so lucky to have someone like you. You always forgive me no matter how many times I mess up." Hugging her back Ariana nuzzled her face in my shirt.

Ariana looked up at me a smile on her face and then kissed my chin "Alright we gotta get you a phone big girl."

"No kidding." I pulled out of the hug and went to leave the room but Ariana grabbed my arm holding me tight. "Are you sure you are not mad?"

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