Chapter 11 (forgive me)

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I'm starting to wonder which Ariana y'all like more ghostin Ariana or greedy Ariana

-Y/n POV-

I couldn't sleep last night not only because of the heartbreaking treatment I had received from Ariana but also the fact that she volunteered to sleep downstairs in the living room. After years of sleeping with her, I found it difficult to sleep by myself again. And even with Myron and Toulouse often visiting the bed it wasn't enough.

I needed Ariana more than ever I know I was sounding crazy but at this moment she was the only thing that could make all the bad thoughts go away. So I'm the middle of the night I think my body might've said fuck it because I had woken up next to Ariana on the couch.

My back was fucked up but I got an overall refreshing sleep.

Waking up my eyes fell on Ariana who sat close by with a gift in her hand. She was dressed in her usual attire with her hair down instead of up in her iconic ponytail. "Morning big head." I smiled. "Hey, ponytail." I yawned. "What's with the gift."

I rubbed away the sleep from my eyes and sat up. "It's an apology gift for the way I acted yesterday." The memories of last night's affairs kicked in and dampened my mood.

I took the box from Ariana and opened it and my eyes widened. "No fucking way." It was a Kodak folding camera and it looked to be brand new. "Do you like it? I remember how much you wanted to get one of these." I took the camera out of the box and examined it. "How much did this cost."

"Around 850." I froze that's more than half my paycheck. "No 900 even." I felt as if my heart was slowing down from The shock. "That much." Ariana nodded her head a big cheeky grin on her face. "Only the best for my baby." Ariana kissed my cheek and then stood up.

"Now to make this day even more special I hired a chef to make you favorite meals and a few more surprises I think you'll like." Ariana petted my head and then went off towards the kitchen. I felt butterflies in my tummy as I examined the beautiful camera.

This was the first gift that I received from Arian that had to do with photography. Minus the studio of course. Most of the gifts she gets me are clothes video games and trips around the world.

Putting the camera back in its box I headed upstairs to do my morning routine. And then headed back downstairs the smell of ham, bacon, and a myriad of other things hitting me.

In the kitchen was a man in a chef uniform cooking up a storm. "Babe meet Louis our chef for today." Ariana appeared out of nowhere and introduced me to the man. "Louis this is Y/n Y/n this is Louis."

"Hello." Louis greeted me but seemed to be preoccupied with cooking. I know how that feels.

Ariana led me to the dining room where another table was propped up and was covered with dishes buffet style. I felt my tummy rumble and I was ready to dig in. "Ohh someone's hungry." Ariana rubbed my stomach and smirked. I felt my face getting warm and I adverted my gaze away from Ariana.

Together we sat down and ate breakfast and it was nice. The food was delicious and me and Ari had some small talk. But every time she would touch me I'd flinch. I think she noticed because halfway through breakfast she stopped touching me.

After eating we helped the chef clean up and we got dressed to go to my next surprise. Ariana was driving which was a tad worrying since she didn't have her glasses on. But in the end, we made it in one piece.

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