Chapter 22 (realization)

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I am finally updating this thing again

—Ariana POV—

"I can't express in words how happy I am to be having some alone time with you my love" I spoke happily with a pleased look on my face.

We were having lunch together at an Italian restaurant whilst the kids ran up and down Disney Land stressing out my brother and mother.

Y/n gave me a lopsided smile and focused her attention on the menus placed in front of us. The atmosphere became awkward and tense as I found myself having a hard time starting a conversation with Y/n.

"So what have you been getting up to lately." I asked trying to lighten the atmosphere "Nothing much just being a mom slash dad taking care of the kids and getting them ready for school in a couple of days." Y/n spoke uninterested.

"I've also been thinking of selling the studio to Jamie." My eyes widened and a smile tugged at my lips but I was able to keep it down "Oh wow Y/n." I say trying to sound upset

"Don't pretend like you're upset I know you've been wanting me to sell it for months now," Y/n spoke coldly her eyes still glued to the menu in front of her.

"When you say it like that you make it seem like I'm a villain or something." I chuckled nervously and Y/n huffed. Just then a server came by and took our order.

I got a vegan Alfredo pasta with spinach and mushroom. Y/n got a chicken carbonara with extra bacon and onions.

"The food is nice isn't it." I asked and Y/n only nodded her head "I liked living in Australia and England but the food there isn't the best." I said trying to lighten the mood but it didn't work.

tears began to swell up in my eyes and I felt terrible. why was Y/n treating me so badly was she still mad about her eye? That was an accident yeah I aimed for her head but not her eye. and, she forgave me so I don't see what the problem was.

"why are you treating me so bad i didn't even do anything wrong," I whined while stirring my pasta wound in its bowl. Y/n scoffed "Tell that to my mental health." Y/n muttered.

"Why do I always have to be the bad guy. haven't you ever thought maybe you're the one at fault." finally Y/n looked up at me and spoke flatly "You are the bad guy. I'm just the innocent bystander caught up in your mess."

my fist balled up and tightened under the table had we not been in public I would've smacked the shit out of Y/n. "and I bet you wonder why I beat on you." I snapped at Y/n "So you admit it your an abuser." y/n retorted "Only because you deserve it!" I raised my voice but quickly remembering where I was I calmed down

"I do so much for you I practically made you who you are and yet you're always unhappy. you're always winning about something it's annoying. and when you don't get your way, you try and provoke me making me put my hands on you and then you want to play me to be the bad guy like I'm at fault for everything." Y/n opened her mouth and closed it like a fish and I smirked.

"so do yourself a favor and shut up." Y/n stared at me devastated and I couldn't help but chuckle. how I loved the feeling of putting Y/n in her place and the best part of it all is that no matter what she'll always love me.

the rest of the evening went by in silence. after we finished eating lunch we picked the kids up and went home. Y/n bathed them while I relaxed on the couch drinking a glass of wine with my zoo of pets.

is it bad to say that I missed them more than my wife I mean yeah they're basically like children but they don't talk back and do whatever I tell them to do.

"Ariana can we talk." hearing Y/N's voice I turned towards her and smiled. She was wearing t T-shirt and jeans and in her hand was a yellow folder "Sure what's up." I answered back.

Y/n took a deep breath and handed me the folder." confused I put down my wine and took the folder. opening it there was a document and as I skimmed over it I was confused but then my eyes landed on the words divorce and my eyes grew wider than ever.

"I think it's time we went our separate ways it's obvious we weren't made for each other." staring at the papers a new type of anger filled me. I took the papers out of the folder and started tearing them up "Divorce are you crazy?" I started laughing "Now why in the world would you want something so horrible?"

"Ariana mother fucking grande why in the world would you want to divorce me." I scoffed "Why would anyone want that." I mumbled under my breath

shredding the document till it was nothing more than just unrecognizable pieces of trash i tossed them into the air and then laughed "And just like that's gone with the wind like a band smell or a terrible idea." looking over at Y/n she had a sad look on her face.

"I had a feeling you'd do something like that so I made lots and lots of copies." said Y/n making me snicker "And I'll shred every last one of them." I stood up from the sofa and began walking towards her.

"you are mine Y/n you Mrs. Grande and will forever be Mrs. Grande and no amount of papers or legal documents will ever change that." I got up close to Y/N's face trying to intimidate her but it didn't work.

Y/n continued to stare at me with a look of regret. slowly my smile dropped tears began streaming down my cheeks and the realization hit me "What do I have to do to fix it. to make you stay." Y/n sighed "I'm sorry Ariana it's too late for that."

"B-but what about therapy i promised you I'd go and couples counseling i already made arrangements for this week." Y/N's face shifted from a look of regret to a look of surprise "You did?" Said Y/n with a hopeful tone and I bit my lip "No. but I planned to i just wanted your confirmation before I went and did anything you know."

that was a lie but I'd be willing to do such a thing if it meant Y/n wouldn't leave me.

I got down onto my knees "Please I'll do anything just don't leave me you are my everything. I may not act like it but you are my sun and my whole life revolves around you. everything I am is because of you." I started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Ariana please stop." Y/n stepped back and I grabbed onto her legs "Please give me another chance please I'll never make the same mistake ever again. I won't hit you I won't mistreat you I'll be a good wife just give me a chance."

I look up at Y/n waiting for an answer but when there is none I begin to sob. "Please don't leave me your my everything. My sun my star my whole world revolves around you and if you leave me I'll have nothing left to live for. Is that want you want me to die!" I yell in sobs

"Of course not Ariana but I don't want to be with someone who treats me like shit." Roughly Y/n pulled her legs away and before I could grab onto her again I wasn't quick enough and I ended up falling onto the floor hard.

"then give me another chance that's all I want." Feeling a stinging pain on my elbow followed by a cold liquid I lifted my elbow and saw that there was a long scratch mark and slowly blood started oozing out.

Staring at the cut on my arm I started to laugh "Oh shit." Y/n muttered under her breath and then ran off. A few seconds later she returned with the safe aid kit and started dealing with my cut. watching Y/n diligently take care of my wound I smiled.

"Give me a chance please just one more." Y/n huffed "I don't know Ariana..." Y/n spoke sheepishly

"Just one chance it won't kill you and if I fail again I'll happily let you divorce me." I held up my hands and caressed Y/n's cheeks "One last time?" Y/b asked and I nodded my head

"Fine, I'll give you a chance."Hearing the words that I so desperately wanted to come from Y/n I smiled happily. I began to feel lightheaded the world spun around and I collapsed down onto Y/n passing out.

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