Chapter 3 (love ya)

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-Y/n POV-

I watched as Ariana's head bobbed up and down my dick slobbering all over it hungrily.

We were at the studio Ariana was supposed to be recording her part for die for you but instead, she'd rather gobble up my dick. Not like I'm complaining Ariana was a throat goat and especially good at sucking me dry.

But I'd just wish she at least brought me out to the car to suck my dick instead of inside the studio where we could get caught.

"Ari can we jump to the main course I don't think we have enough time before they come back." Ariana pulled my dick out of her mouth and sighed. "Yeah, I guess your right I just got too caught up in it."

Ariana got onto my lap and went straight down onto my dick bouncing up and down like she was on a rodeo. "God I love your dick." I grabbed onto Ariana's hips and started fucking her. "And my dick loves you."

Which wasn't hard when she had pussy wetter than the ocean and had a vice grip like no other. Well, I wouldn't know Ariana was my first time and I plan on her being the only one I have sex with. Not like she'd let me anyway.

She'd put my dick in a cage at the thought of having to share with other women. And if I managed to put my dick in another woman she'd probably cut it off.

Ariana groaned and moaned, the wilder her bouncing got the louder she became and when you mixed it with my pounding she looked like she was on the verge of passing out. "I love your big fucking dick only your dick I don't want anyone else's."

"I'd hope that since we are together," Ariana whined. "Together forever no one else should have your dick no one else deserves it." Feeling Ariana clamp down on me her nails dug into my shoulder and a sharp high-pitched cry slipped through Ariana's mouth.

Girl out here hitting whistle notes because of my dick.

Water then gushed out wetting my legs.

I forgot Ariana was a squirter.

Ariana kissed my cheek a look of pure joy on her face. "Ready to go again." She nodded her head, and I started pounding again and I was getting into it. I grabbed onto her ass tightly and stood from the couch and laid her down on the glass coffee table in front of us. the sound of skin rubbing against glass was a tad of a turn off but the sounds of arianas high pitched moans were even better.

"ready for my cum baby." I groaned out feeling my end coming. I had not been wearing a condom so I was planning on coming on Ariana's stomach. I was not financially or mentally stable to have a baby, especially a grande baby.

Hehe, Grande Baby makes it sound like I'm gonna have a big baby. If the baby gets Ariana's genes wouldn't be surprised if it was the exact opposite.

Feeling my end I pull out only to be pulled back in by Ariana's legs. "No cum in me that's the only place I want it."

Hell to the fuck no.

"But Ari." I was now clenching my but cheeks and trying to hold in my nut. " don't worry I'm on the pill." Ariana said the last bit half-assed.

"Yeah no." I pulled my dick out and at that moment I came all on Ariana's pussy and crotch my chest was heaving from holding that shit in for way longer than necessary.

𝔾ℝ𝔼𝔼𝔻𝕐 (an Ariana Grande x Y/n story)Where stories live. Discover now