Chapter 21 (one chance)

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-Y/n POV-

Looking at Ariana who was curled up asleep in bed I sighed

I didn't have time for this.

I went downstairs and opened the fridge I grabbed some milk and fruits mostly strawberries and blueberries and in the cupboard, I got some sugar, cinnamon, and a box of cream of wheat.

I was gonna make these kids some old-fashioned hot cereal.

As I started prepping I could hear some small feet running around upstairs the kids must be awake.

Feeling a furry head rub against my ankle I looked down and saw Myron he probably knew what time it was. I went into the fridge got out a container of bacon and gave him a piece which he happily lapped up.

Moments like these were always the best.

After putting the pot on the stove and cutting up all the fruit I sat on the counter and rubbed my eye. It was blurry like an unfocused camera and I most definitely needed to go to the eye doctor.

Hearing footsteps I looked up hoping to see the kids but when I only saw Ariana I sighed "Morning." Said Ariana "Morning." I replied flatly.

"How's your eye doing." Asked Ariana "I'm not blind so I guess it's not all bad." I said while getting off the counter I needed to stir the milk.

"What are you making." Ariana asked "Cream of wheat." Ariana went silent so I turned around to see if she was still there and she was directly behind me.

"You know I'm sorry for everything I did right I want to be a better wife." Ariana grabbed my waist and held me tight "You're the love of my life and I couldn't fathom a life without you."

I rolled my eyes and pushed Ariana away "A bit too late for that don't you think." Ariana sighed "There is no such thing as too late." Uhh yes, there is.

"I'm here now so let me make it up to you. I'll have Frankie and Mom take the kids to Disney land and we can go on a relaxing date just like we used to." I turned away from Ariana and back to the milk that was starting to boil over.

"Just think about it, okay sweetie." Hearing another set of footsteps along with chatter come down the stairs I sighed. "Ariana can you hand me that red box." I pointed to the box that I had put on the island. To which Ariana handed to me.

"Do you need any help with anything else?" Ariana put her hands on my back making me flinch "If you wanna help you could get me two bowls and cups." Without another word, Ariana grabbed the stuff I asked of her.

"Could you also put a spoonful of brown sugar in each bowl?" I asked, "of course." Ariana responded and did what I asked of her.

"Good morning." Said one voice "Good morning." Followed another. Followed by a childish gasp "Mom is the lady who I think it is." Spoke lyric excitedly "That's Ariana Grande."

"In the flesh." Ariana flipped her hair and smirked, "Wow I loved to watch you when you were on Sam and Cat I was so sad when the show ended." Ariana sarcastically laughed "Can't say the same." Ariana muttered.

Yeah, Ariana hated being on that show more than anything so I'm not surprised seeing her act like that.

I poured lots of brown sugar and cinnamon into the pot and stirred it up "Mhh it smells good baby." Hearing Ariana call me baby I tensed up.

"So kids your names are Max and lyric correct." Ariana asked the kids "Well lyric max how would you like to go to Disneyland with your uncle and grandma."

"Heck yeah!" Max screamed out "We've never been to Disneyland!"

"What do you say baby can the kids go to Disneyland." Ariana asked and I could see the pouts forming on their faces without looking "Of course." Cheers erupted in the kitchen never has it ever been so loud in here and I loved it.

Cleaning up the kitchen I sighed I kinda felt like a housewife. I mean that's probably what Ariana wanted to make me the entire time. If only I had a crazy bitch sensor then I would've never ended up in this situation.

"What are you thinking about." Said Ariana getting my attention "Nothing much just about my life." Ariana put her hand on my shoulder and if I hadn't been busy washing the dishes I would've slapped her away "I booked us a couples consultation for tomorrow afternoon." I stared at Ariana surprised

She was always against having people but in our relationship saying that they needed to mind their business and that were adults and we could handle things on our own. This was not surprising because Ariana was famous and seeing as she was known almost everywhere she wanted to at least keep some aspect of her life a secret.

But I can't help but think maybe if we did it all those years ago then our relationship wouldn't be so fucked.

"I'm not exactly happy about it but if it can help fix our marriage then I'll happily do it." After finishing the last bowl I rinsed off my hands and dried them "Thank you, Ariana." I kissed her on the forehead and went to wipe down the counters when Ariana grabbed my shirt and tugged me back "Again." Ariana pulled me again this time harder, "kiss me again."

I sighed and pulled Ariana in close my hands went to her waist and I kissed her forehead. "Thank you." Ariana rested her head on my chest and started to cry.

I felt as if the wall I had set up was starting to crumble though if I'm being honest it was probably made out of cardboard and super glue.

"Can we have sex today?" Ariana asked making me chuckle "Is that why you've been buttering me up so I would have sex with you." Ariana pouted "Would you be mad if I said yes."

I moved my hands from her waist to her ass and squeezed her bum "that depends are your gonna do that thing that I love." I pushed Ariana up against the counter "Trick question you love everything I do when it comes to sex." I lifted Ariana and put her on the counter continuing my groping. "I mean you not wrong."

Kissing Ariana for the first time in a long time I felt my heart flutter it reminded me of how we were before Ariana went all crazy on me.

Hearing an eww in unison me and Ariana pulled away to see Lyric and Max peeking their heads into the kitchen looking at us. Quickly they dashed back into the living room leaving me and Ariana alone again.

"I should get them ready for when your mom comes for them." I let go of Ariana and helped her down "Does that mean you'll go on the date with me." I sighed the part of me that didn't like Ariana didn't want to go but the other part of me that was still very in love with her did.

"Fine but just for an hour I have work to do."

𝔾ℝ𝔼𝔼𝔻𝕐 (an Ariana Grande x Y/n story)Where stories live. Discover now