Chapter 25 tired

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-Y/n POV-

To say I was pissed off was an understatement Ariana had to be smoking crack at this point because wtf man.

I'm sorry that I don't love you after all the shit you did to me I don't think anyone would've stuck around as long as I did and yet I did. And she couldn't even go one day without putting her hands on me which is upsetting, to say the least.

If she couldn't even last a day how was she gonna last a week a month or maybe even a year?

Hearing the sound of the toaster oven go off I was ripped out of my thoughts and brought back to the present. I was cooking breakfast for everyone including Ariana which was a first in a while.

She of course gave me the silent treatment and snubbed me but if anything that made me happy. I wouldn't have to hear everyone's reason that fucked up mine of her created for hitting me.

I placed a bowl of fruit salad along with a cup of her usual coffee in front of Ariana. To which she barely even spared me a glance and just went into eating while scrolling through her phone giggling every so often.

I hated to say this but I was getting curious as to who Ariana was texting and a tad bit jealous. I missed seeing Ariana laugh and the possibility it was some dude or chick out there doing it didn't sit right with me.

"Who are you texting." I asked to which Ariana ignored "Is it Dalton." I said with venom lining my words.

That seemed to get her attention.

"I told you it was a one-time thing," Ariana grumbled as she drank her coffee. Dalton was a real estate agent who sold us the house we were living in currently. And turns out somewhere along the lines of COVID and ending up being neighbors with that dude.

She started emotionally cheating on me followed by a one-night stand to which she came home crying and begging for forgiveness. I of course being the love-sick puppy I was gave it to her and I have a strange feeling that's what started everything.

My desperate desire to keep Ariana close and her realizing that just maybe I was a spineless goon she could push around and do whatever to. Which led to drugging kidnapping and abuse.

This is all crazy but I think I've become so desensitized to this shit I don't even care anymore.

"Well, I hope whoever it is that you're texting makes you happy," I said sarcastically grabbing Lyrics and Max's plates it was just some waffles with sausages and eggs the way they liked them and brought them over to them who were sitting in the living room watching SpongeBob.

Returning Ariana was no longer looking at her phone but was now mean glaring at me as if I had just threatened to kill her nona. "What?" I said trying to act oblivious but I knew why she was angry.

Suddenly Ariana grabbed her mug of coffee and tossed the how coffee at me. Thankfully most of it didn't get me but the little that did burned like hell. "Ariana what the hell!" I screamed a tad frazzled.

"Whoops," Ariana said in a sarcastic voice and went back to looking at her phone.

At that moment every last ounce of attraction I had left for Ariana died.

"You know what I'm done." I said as I walked out of the kitchen "What do you mean you done?" Ariana asked but I ignored her "Y/n I asked you a question  don't ignore me." Ariana demanded

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