Chapter 6 (i want it all)

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What are y'all thoughts on greedy so far constructive criticism needed

-Ariana POV-

I sat on top of Y/n giving her a message. "You like that baby," I said attempting to hold on to my laughter. "It kinda hurts." Y/n tried to get up but I pushed her down. "Relax baby how about I sing you a song." Y/n groaned and I cleared my throat.

"Can you feel the love tonight?" I sang loudly. "Wow," Y/n said sarcastically and I punched her right into her spine. I heard a little crack on impact and Y/n groaned. "That wow was so halfhearted You are my girlfriend you're supposed to support me." Y/n turned her head to face me.

"Ariana you sing beautifully." I smiled "Thank you, baby." I went back to rubbing her back this time gently. "Speaking of supporting me tomorrow is my first day in being on the voice and I was wondering if you could come with me."

I was nervous like crazy it's been a while since I've been in the public spotlight so being on a TV show was a little freighting.

"Of course, baby I'll be there." I kissed Y/n's cheeks making her smile."Thank you" Suddenly I smacked Y/n on her back hard making her jump. "Alright that's it get off"

Y/n sat up making me wrap my legs around her torso and my arms wrapped around her neck. "Ahh Ariana your choking me." Y/n squealed out making me laugh. And then I thought

What if I was to start squeezing tighter what if...

"Ana I can't breathe." I removed my arms from Y/n's neck and grabbed onto her shoulders instead. "Sorry baby." I kissed her cheek and let go of her sliding down her toned back "It's fine just be more careful where you swing those pasta noodles around." I scoffed.

"Is it because I'm Italian." Y/n squeezed my arm "No and yes." Y/n grabbed me lifted me overhead and put me on her lap. Damn, this girl was strong.

"Not only are you small you're so petite. I'm actually a bit worried." I sighed and relaxed myself on her lap. "And I know you've been making better health choices but still have you been eating enough."

I looked away from Y/n and at my arms, I was very skinny even more than usual. but it's not like I starved myself to be skinny I'm just the way I am. "Yeah, I think so."

"You sure I'm not trying to come off in a bad way I'm just worried about you." I looked over at Y/n and cupped her cheeks. "I'm fine but if you think I should eat more I'll try." Y/n smiled and pecked my lips. "Thank you." Suddenly Y/n stood up and then threw me onto the bed. "I'm going to get Chick-fil-A if you want anything."

"Ohh get me some pad thai with some spring rolls from that one Chinese place." Y/n kissed my cheek "Of course." Leaving me here on the bed I laid back on my back and stared up at the ceiling.

Herring the sound of the gate opening followed by the sound of a car I sighed. "I should've gone with her."

Whelp I guess I just watch some porn. Specifically our sex tapes.

Now I and Y/n were no fools and our sex tapes were locked away hidden so no one else but us could watch it. And oftentimes I would watch it when I was bored.

I grabbed the phone that it was recorded on out of the safe and went straight to photos. My eyes skimmed over the large selection of videos there were so many that it was hard to choose. So I just picked the oldest one.

I grabbed my EarPods and pressed play and the sounds of skin slapping and moaning filled my ears. Y/n was taking me from the back and held the phone in hand while her other hand gripped my ass tightly and my eyes fell on the way her dick pounded me.

I think this was when I was on tour we hadn't seen each other or more importantly had sex in months. So when I had wrapped back around to New York. In the place she used to live we fucked like rabbits. Ahh, good times.

Feeling my stomach growl I looked up from the phone. I could hear sound coming from the kitchen and that's when I remembered Frankie and his fiancé was here. I turned off the porn phone and put it back into its safe and then headed downstairs.

The smell of lemons or something really citrusy hit me. It smelt quite nice. "Ohh hey, Ari." Hale waved to me. He was behind a cutting board cutting up a large number of lemons and limes. "Hey Hale what are you guys making."

Frankie held up a box with the words ninja on it. "We're testing out this ice cream maker and making lemon-lime sorbet."

"Uhh you want to make lemon lime sorbet I want to make strawberry raspberry sorbet." Hale interrupted "Where are the raspberries or the strawberries, honey." Frankie retorted. "The sexy stallion went to get them."

"Did you seriously call someone other than me sexy?" Frankie spoke his voice laid with jealousy. "Ohh I didn't mean it like that sweetie. But am I wrong just think of it like when we say Nicki Minaj or Beyoncé? God loves that woman. Is sexy they are it's a fact but does that mean I want to be with them." Hale went back to cutting limes not finishing his point.

"Is that it or is there more." Hale sight and started laughing. "I had no idea where I was going with that point but I just know that. Just because I call someone sexy doesn't mean I want to have sex with them it's just in a complimenting way." Frankie hummed and Hale gave a toothy smile.

Hearing the front door open I practically jumped. Oh my baby is back.

Y/n walked into the kitchen with a bag of Chick-fil-A and Chinese takeout in one hand and a bag from Erewhon. "Yes, the stallion has delivered." Y/n rolls her eyes and puts the bags on the table. "You were quick," I spoke flirtatiously.

"Of course, I couldn't stand the thought of leaving my girl waiting." Y/n leaned in for a kiss and I bit her lip. "Just how many road laws did you break," Frankie said jokingly ruining the moment

"I mean this is la," Hale added. "Let's just say I may end up on the police's watch list." Y/n reached into the Chick-fil-A bag and pulled out a large fry with a Caesar wrap. Fuck if I wasn't vegan I would fuck up that wrap so I'll just stick to stealing her fries.

"Thank you for the berries Y/n." Hale thanked Y/n. I didn't pay much attention to them I was too busy dressing up my pad Thai just the way I like it. And that first bite was heaven.

"I like how you fuckers are eating right in front of us," Frankie said suddenly causing Y/n and I to burst out laughing.

"Right like damn you hoes ain't gonna share." Y/n started coughing and hitting her hand against her chest. "Breathe baby breathe!" I yelled out while trying to contain my laughter.

Y/n took a sip of her lemonade and then gasped. "Almost killed me, dude." Y/n reached into the bag and pulled out some fries and chicken nuggets "I was planning on being a fat ass but seeing as how you guys are hungry dig in."

I awed. "Look at my girlfriend being kind and donating to the needy." Frankie scoffed. "Aren't you the one who made a song about being needy?" I glared at Frankie

"Shut the fuck up."

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