Chapter 9 (dont worry)

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I don't know why I posted ridiculous love I should've finished Greedy first since it's shorter


"No! You can't go." Ariana cried out as she tightened her grip on my torso trying to stop me from leaving the bed.

It's been a week since I started my therapy session and right now I'm trying to escape from Ariana so I can go to work. It's been days since I last went and I at least wanted to check up on Jamie and Kehlani.

"The doctor said no stress only fun." I tried to pry myself out of Ariana's grip. But for some strange reason, this girl always gets magically strong whenever it is needed. "But going to work for me is fun. Just like with your music."

Ariana groaned out. "That's not the same now please I'm begging you don't leave me- I mean don't stress yourself out." Aha, that's what's really bothering Ariana. "You know you can come with me right."

Ariana stared at me. Yeah, I already knew what the answer was going to be.

"I'm not going to be long okay just a check in to make sure everything is okay." Ariana let go of my torso and started crying. "Please don't go."

Realizing this was my chance to escape I made a run for it. "Wait come back here!" Ariana yelled out and she started chasing after me.

I whipped through the large mansion halls till I made it to the door but that's when I got caught. Ariana jumped onto my back making me falter and fall onto the floor.

"I caught you." Ariana got off my back and grabbed my ankles. "You're never leaving me ever." Ariana started dragging me away from the door. Since when was this girl this strong?

Letting Ariana drag me she brought me to the living where Toulouse and Myron were playing tug of war with Coco. Piggy was on the chair asleep.

"There that wasn't so bad now was it." Ariana kisses my cheek and I roll over onto my back so I can see her better. "What do you want to watch? Mean girls or maybe Bridgerton." Ariana wiggled her brows at me. "How about big mouth." Ariana scoffed.

"Bridgerton it is."

Watching two characters have sex for the one-hundredth time I sighed. I felt like I was being held hostage because I basically was. Yeah along the lines Ariana realized I wasn't going to stop trying to escape so she brought me upstairs and handcuffed me to the bedposts.

Ariana clung to me as if she was afraid I'd disappear if she ever let go of me. "Ariana can you let me go."

"Never!" Ariana yelled and her grip on me tightened. "Well, could you at least let me use the bathroom and get rid of these stupid handcuffs my wrists are sore." Ariana groaned and let go of me.

Wow, so this is what it's like to breathe without anything crushing me.

A few seconds later Ariana came back with some keys and freed me. "Thank you for freeing me, Ariana." Ariana hummed. "Let this be a reminder." Ariana started laughing "I won't hesitate to turn you into my sex slave."
"What!" I yelled out

I rub my sore wrist while Ariana collapses onto the bed dying from laughter. "Lucky you I have to buss a massive piss," I spoke in a British accent and got out of bed, and went straight to the bathroom.

𝔾ℝ𝔼𝔼𝔻𝕐 (an Ariana Grande x Y/n story)Where stories live. Discover now