Chapter 4 (baby come home)

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Wattpad need to come up with a rating system where readers can rate the books because I be reading shit as stories thinking its going to get better in the end only for me to waste my goddamn time. Plus it's not like the ranking system works just replace it with a rating system

-Ariana POV-

I scrolled through Instagram on a cloudy Sunday evening when I noticed from the corner of my eyes Y/n happily messaging around with her cameras. I didn't understand what was so interesting about those things.

She would often spend hours messing with the settings on the stupid thing swapping out pieces from her other cameras and then getting excited when there was a so so-called change in the way the pictures come out.

"Ariana check it out." I sighed I could already tell where this was gonna go. I turned my attention to Y/n and then suddenly she took a picture. This camera was different most cameras she had didn't have a flash this one did.

And it also sounded loud, unlike the usual quiet clicking sounds. "What the fuck Y/n warning next time." Y/n came up and sat next to me and kissed me on the cheek calming me down. "Sorry babe I just wanted to take a picture of something beautiful and well in my eyes you are the most beautiful thing in this world."

I blushed Y/n always knew what to say she was such a sweet talker. "Anyways check it out this is a 1970 original Polaroid camera. With the original film and everything." And why was I supposed to care? "Wow so cool."

"Isn't it? And the best part is it only cost me four hundred dollars." I tensed up since when could Y/n afford such expensive stuff has her stupid little photography business actually been doing good.

"Never would've thought you had deep pockets." Y/n chuckled. "It's just a little novelty item that I've always wanted not really a big deal."

"Well that's seeing as how you can afford such novelty things you don't mind helping paying the rent." Y/n seemed lost of words and dint know what to say. "No?" I glared at Y/n. "So than stop acting as if your rich and successful and stop buying these useless things, or better yet you can just ask me your rich and successful girlfriend I have plenty of money to share."

And I always will. My fans will eat up anything that I'm in or even mentioned in.

"Uhm okay." Y/n had a weird look on her face I think it was a sad look. And we'll that just won't do I promised to never make her sad as long as we're together. "I'm sorry that came out rough and harsh. I just don't want you spending what little you have when I have so much to give."

i cup her cheeks and peck her lips. "do you understand darling." Y/n nodded her head. seeing her look so defeated and adorable turned me on like crazy. "you wanna have sex." y/n shrugged and than smiled. "sure."

I ran my fingers againts Y/n's spine tracing over the bueatiful tattoo it was inspired by my song R.E.M. I wrote that song for her and seeing how she turned it into a bueatiful tattoo warmed my heart.

"oh ari i just remembered i got tickets to go to a photography museum i was wondering if you'd like to tag along." i groaned of course not i could give to shits about photography. "uhm not really you know im not that interested in photography."

"well im not that interested in making music and yet you drag me along to the studio whenever you get a chance." i rolled my eyes. "thats different."

"how is that different." i crossed my arms "it just is okay. im sorry i dont want to come to your boring museum trip." y/n glared at me than got of bed. "where are you going." Y/n didnt answer me. "Y/n i asked you a question where are you going."

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