Chapter 26 (winning back her love)

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—Ariana POV—

Staring at my phone screen I waited tirelessly for a notification from Y/n.

I was back in London shooting Wicked despite my pleas to stay longer the director wasn't having it even when I pulled out the family card. So in the end me and Y/n never concluded our relationship status.

She didn't agree to stay with me nor did she agree to leave me so I guess I should be happy. But something tells me it'll be a lot harder to make her stay compared to making her leave.

So in a way, I guess I should be happy that I got called back. It put our relationship status issue on hold until I come back next month and it also gives her time to think and come to a conclusion.

I just hope said conclusion is that she won't leave me. I mean yeah I fucked up a lot but I'm ready to turn over a new leaf and I want to prove to her that the abusive toxic Ariana isn't in control of me and that the kind loving and caring Ariana is here to stay.

Now throwing hot coffee on someone probably isn't the best way to show that message but that was before I fully committed to being a different person.

But now that I have changed doing such a thing is unlikely to ever happen again and I mean it.

Feeling my phone go off I quickly checked it only to see I got a message from Ethan. At first, I groaned and didn't even check it but then an idea came to mind.

Ethan has been with his wife for years and now they are having a child. So he's got to at least have some tips that can help me win Y/n back.

Checking the message he sent he was asking me if I'd like to get some coffee which made this a perfect opportunity.

I replied yes with a smiley face emoji and began to get ready. He had texted me the time and the location as well so I knew when and where I was going.

"Thank you for the invitation, Ethan." I said putting on my usual smile "Don't mention it Ariana I like hanging out with you." Ethan replied while stirring his coffee.

"So uhm can I ask you about something." I said nervously not knowing how to Segway into the main reason why I agreed to coffee "Sure go ahead." Said Ethan with his usual charming smile.

"So uhm you and Lilly have been together for sixteen years correct?" Ethan nodded his head "That is correct and it has been some of my best years. Why do you ask?"

"Well as you know I'm also married but compared to how you and Lilly my marriage is failing and I'm struggling to keep it together. So I was wondering if you had any tips on making my marriage stronger or at least not fall apart." I asked practically pleading

"hmm all marriages are different but you could start with buying her gifts preferably things she likes." Said Ethan making me think.

Photography and cameras in general were her number one interest but I doubt buying her that would make her love me since she knows how much I detest shit like that. And I unfortunately didn't know anything else that Y/n liked.

"How about buying her something she might need?" I asked Ethan and he nodded his head in response "Yeah that could work as well."

Quickly I skimmed through my memories trying to remember something Y/n mentioned needing or something I picked up on. At first, I thought of signing over the lease but that was more of a thing Jamie wanted and I doubted she cared much about something like that.

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