Chapter 1

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I want to make a few things known:

• I love Troye Sivan

• I love Connor Franta

• I ship them

• but even though I ship them, I appreciate the hard work they both individually give to us

• I'm proud of them

• they're both talented af

• I don't support abuse, this is more of a "you can fight back" fic

"Con con!" Troye shouted happily, throwing his arms around Connor's neck, pulling him into a hug. Connor laughed softly, wrapping his own arms around the thin boy's waist. He burrowed his face into his neck, breathing in his scent. He had missed this kid so, so much. "I've missed you!" Troye whined cutely, gripping on tighter.

"I've missed you more." Connor argued, pulling away to look the boy in the eye, only for the air to be ripped right from him. His eyes were as blue as he remembered them. Troye giggled, pulling Connor inside his house. He took his hand and led him to his room. "Where is everyone?" Connor asked, setting his things down onto Troye's bed.

"They went to go run some errands." Troye explained as Connor sat on the bed, limbs exhausted from all of the traveling. "They're going to be so happy when they see you." Troye beamed, sitting down next to Connor. He scooted closer until his head was resting on his shoulder, Connor getting a face full of soft hair. Troye looked up at him with those wonderful blue eyes, eyes crinkling as he smiled. "I'm so happy you're here."

"I'm happy I'm here too." Connor said, pulling Troye closer as the boy giggled softly. He was like a little ball of sunshine, filling in the holes in Connor's heart that have been missing for quite some time now. If only things could have stayed this way.

If only Troye could have stayed happy.

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