Chapter Ten

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Troye didn't recognize himself in the mirror the next morning.

He felt so ashamed, so dirty. He didn't look like himself. Now that he finally looked really close to his reflection, the boy looking back at him wasn't happy. The boy looking back at him had sunken, tired eyes. The boy looking back at him had a busted lip and a bruised eye. His hair was brittle and dull. His cheeks were sucked in. He had dark bruises on his neck, reminding him of the night before. The boy looking back at him wasn't a boy anymore.

He let himself down.

Troye looked at himself one last time before leaving the bathroom, making his way to the kitchen. He found Andrew leaning against the counter, a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Goodmorning." Troye muttered quietly. He opened the fridge and grimaced at the thought of food, feeling too sick to keep anything down.

Andrew walked over to him, pecking his cheek softly. "How did you sleep?" Troye looked at him, making Andrew's eyes widen when he caught site of the dark bite mark on his neck. "Shit- Troye, did I do that?" He reached up to touch the mark, but his hand got slapped away by Troye's nimble fingers.

Troye's gaze was hard. "Yeah, just like you gave me this bruise." He pointed to his own eye. "Just like you gave me this cut." He lifted his shirt slightly to show the raw looking cut that was on his hip. "Jesus Christ, Andrew. You keep hurting me and hurting me. I'm tired of it." Troye's voice was loud.

Andrew flinched and nodded his head. "I know I have my moments. But you have to believe me when I say I'm sorry." Andrew placed his hands on Troye's hips. "I need you." He kissed Troye's neck softly, right above the bite mark. "I love you." He placed another soft kiss on the bruise under his eye.

Troye pushed him away. "How do I know it will be different this time?"

"Trust me, baby." Troye sighed and placed his hands on Andrew's chest, letting him wrap his arms around his waist. "I'll make it up to you tonight."


From: Andrew <3

Can't wait to make it up to you tonight. Thank you for the second chance.

From: Andrew <3

I love you xxx

Troye was excited for tonight. This was the Andrew he had fallen in love with.

He had already made dinner, wanting tonight to be as special as he can. He lit candles in their bedroom and bathroom and had a warm bath with bubbles ready.

To: Andrew <3

Are you almost here?

Troye sat on the couch, scratching his head slightly as he tried to keep his eyes open. He jumped when his phone vibrated against his thigh.

From: Andrew <3

On my way

Troye rested his head against the back of the couch, fighting consciousness and keeping his eyes open. He didn't want to fall asleep. That wouldn't be fair to Andrew.

"I'll just rest for a second." He thought, closing his eyes and letting his breath even out.


Troye woke up when he felt his body being lifted up into familiar arms. He squinted his eyes open, looking up at Andrew. "Fuck- did I fall asleep." Andrew smiled down at him, gently placing his body on their bed and stroking his hair back.

"Hey, it's okay." Andrew soothed. "I know you're tired. Just go back to sleep." He sat at the edge of the bed, soothingly running his fingers along Troye's arm.

"I'm sorry, babe." Troye mumbled sleepily, only to get shushed.


The next time Troye woke up, his arms felt heavy and he couldn't move them. He opened his eyes and looked up, pulling at the restraints on his arms. His breathing picked up and he tried to move his body, only to be stopped by the restraint that was tied around his middle, pinning him to the bed.

"He's all yours." He looked up and saw Andrew and another man he had never seen before at the doorway of the room, the man placing something in Andrew's hand.

"Andrew?" Troye called out, eyes widening when the man started to walk closer to him. "Andrew!"

"Shh, baby." The man shushed, placing a beefy hand on his cheek. "You're mine tonight." Troye met Andrew's eyes in confusion, screaming when he began to exit the room and closed the door behind him. The man's hand began to go lower as he climbed onto the bed, placing himself on top of Troye.

"ANDREW!" Troye screamed at the top of his lungs, thrashing his body around as much as the restraints would let him. He yelped when the man forcefully placed his lips on Troye's and shoved his hand into Troye's jeans. After a while, Troye's body felt numb and he stopped his fighting.

It was painful. Troye's voice was beginning to get raspy from screaming Andrew's name continuously. He started to sob when the man took his underwear off and placed himself in between Troye's legs. When the man shoved into him, Troye started to scream for Connor.

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