Chapter Twelve

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I listened to Whispers by Dave Baxter the whole time I was writing this, and it really helped put me in the mood. I'd suggest listening to it. 

also, I squealed

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When Connor arrived at the airport in Australia, he unbuckled his seatbelt quickly and stood up before anyone else could. He gathered his carry on bag and weaved himself through the passengers to get to the front of the plane. He waited impatiently for them to open the cabin door.

"You look like you're about to see someone special." A lady's voice piped up from beside him. He turned to look at the older woman, smiling softly at her.

"Yeah, they're pretty special." He blushed when the words left his mouth.

The lady chuckled quietly. "That's how I used to be when I would come back from trips to my husband." A reminiscing smile took over her features. Connor's heart fluttered at the word husband. "Have a nice one." Connor thanked her quietly and walked off the plane. He walked quickly through the airport, picking up his pace when he arrived at the waiting area. His eyes scanned the room, searching for the boy who needed him most right now.

"Connor." A voice called out, making his head turn to the direction it was coming from. His eyes landed on Troye, who was smiling with such a relieved look on his face. He was wearing a black hoodie, the hood covering the top of his head. He wore dark blue skinny jeans and his Adidas sneakers. His shoulders were slumped and his body was turned inward on himself.

"Come 'ere." Troye let out a breath as Connor dropped his carry on and opened his arms to catch the boy. Troye collapsed in his arms, body shaking when Connor's arms wrapped around him. Connor shushed his whimpers, rocking them side to side. "It's okay." Connor whispered quietly so only Troye could hear. "You're okay."

"He hurts me." Troye mumbled quietly. Connor's body tensed, this being the first time he heard the words leave Troye's mouth. "He hurts me."

Connor fought back his own tears and rested his cheek on top of Troye's head. "Not anymore." He tightened his hold on the boy protectively. "You're not his anymore." Troye pulled away and looked up, blue eyes wide with unshed tears.

"Am I yours?" He asked quietly. Connor's breath caught in his throat as he looked at the beautiful boy in front of him. He reached up to pull his hood down, eyes glancing at the bruises littering his neck. He rested a firm hand there, thumb rubbing his jawline. Troye closed his eyes and leaned into his touch, knowing that he didn't have to be afraid of Connor.

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